Lila continued to eat her meal while Milli put her hands on Lila's thighs as she sat down. She laid her head on Lila's shoulder lovingly, and began telling her words so real, honest and beautiful, Lila's heart swelled with love. She was instantly feeling better, and feeling grateful for having been blessed with such good friends. Who needed a guy when she had her girls watching her back? Amelia finished her speech by softly smiling and wiping away Lila's happy tears with her thumb. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed Lila's cheek gently, brushing her hair from her face. "Now let's go get cleaned up. We came here for beach therapy and that's what we are going to do." Lila gave Milli a loving smile, stood up from her chair and gave her a tight hug. "I love you so much, Melli. Thank you for your words. It means so much to me that you're here with me. You are such an angel." Then Hunter set the bottle of champagne on the counter spoke to both girls. "I brought this over for you two, took a while to find it but I figured you guys could use it more then me." He faced Delilah directly. "I know it may not seem like it, but I don't care about getting people in a emotional state on video, I only had the camera so I could have a record of last few weeks of being free too do what I wanted." He sighed then continued talking. "I stopped recording after the events at the Restaurant. If you want I can go back into the camera later and delete the footage." Delilah let go of Milli and turned to Hunter. "It's okay, Hunter," she told him softly, giving him a half-smile. "I'm sorry for jumping on your throat like that. You can keep the video if you wish. Maybe it'll give me a good laugh one day," she said with a chuckle. When Hunter turned to Amelia, Lila excused herself and walked back to her room to clean herself up to go to the beach. She had a feeling she'd interrupted something between them, and thought it was best to give them the privacy they deserved. She was wiping her clean face with a soft, fluffy white towel when her phone chimed. When she read the message and the name of the person who had sent it, her heart ached all over again. [i]JarBear[/i] read the contact name, with the heart and kissing couple emojis. She knew she'd overreacted back at the restaurant, and that Jareth hadn't done anything to deserve that treatment or her harsh words. But she'd been too consumed by anger and bitterness to think clearly. To make matters worse, she had no reason to feel like that: the decision to end things was mutual. It had been sane thing to do for them both. Their relationship had been a toxic one of extreme emotions, full of euphoric highs and sinking lows; every fight always ending with them gravitating back to each other even when things got ugly. They were each other's drug of choice: so bad for each other, but in too deep to let go. Taking a deep breath, she typed and sent him a series of text messages. [i]I don't know if that would be the right thing to do. But we can never seem to do what's best for us, can we? Where do you want to meet? I need to see you.[/i] The last two messages contained the words she'd never said to him after the break-up: [i]I'm sorry for hurting you. I love you.[/i]