"...Disturbing?" Asa guessed with a raised eyebrow. He nodded to himself, stuffing his hands in his pockets before turning around. He walked away from the crowd and into a park across the street. He sat on the bench and leaned back as Carter sat next to him. "These people continue their daily lives; their routines. They're either oblivious or desensitized to what happens around them, and they're perfectly fine with that. They allow all these wars and diseases to rampage through their homes and their lands...I don't understand it. Carter...I think once we're finished with this mission, I'm going to go back to Undaro...I think I'll help run things from there. Sure, I'll come up once a month or so, to check on things and cooperate between Undaro and the surface group...but I hate it up here. People hardly know their neighbors. If they do, they don't care for them." He breathed out through his nose, quick and harsh. His anger was apparent in everything he did; his tone, his movements, it rolled off him in waves. "I thought that...perhaps things would be better up here. Maybe the Mundanes with normal lives would be better than the world leaders, but I haven't met any like that. I'm...I'm not angry at the civilians, per say, but at the fact that they let their lives be ruled for them, controlled by someone else. The five Golden ranks and the Elders Council is different; the only time we get truly into anything is in times of crisis and great change, but..." He paused for breath, rubbing his eyes under the sunglasses and giving his friend a sideways glance. "It seems the only way Mundanes are informed, is through the world leaders, or some sub-constituency, and those groups and organizations just follow the leaders' orders. Either way, the civilians are fed lie after lie and they...what's the term...take it for gospel! "Who's to say that once the world leaders are gone, once our mission's complete, that they won't just somehow bring in even worse leaders. don't think integration is possible between Uisilons and Mundanes anymore. They're even less informed, and even more illusioned, than they were in the history we learned. They hate against their kin because they are a different gender, skin color, or religion from them; because they're in a different social class, or were raised differently. If the Mundanes can't even accept themselves, how can we expect them to accept us? "It's just not like this in Undaro; We look after our neighbors, we take in the ones who lost someone, and we don't turn our back on those who are being hurt. Green and Silver Ranks aren't seen as lesser by any means. As far as I've seen, their differences don't warrant any mistreatment. I've certainly never looked down my nose at anyone of different Rank. Hell, most of the time I think they're better people than me!" He took another deep breath and looked at his friend again, shaded eyes begging him to understand. "I was a fool to believe that wiping out the world leaders would give us a chance up here, and I'm going to tell the others just that at our next meeting. I'm not backing out of the mission, not by a long shot...but...when this is all finished, I want to go back...back home. I want to be back with the family I grew up with, even if they aren't blood." He rested his head on Carter's shoulders, much like he did when they were children and Carter would console him. "Family doesn't stop at blood for the Uisilons, but it seems like up here, with the Mundanes, it doesn't even [i]start[/i] with blood. And I can't handle that, can't live up here, knowing that." He finished, glare set on the ground.