Jareth paced back and forth in his room, shirtless and dripping seawater everywhere, but he didn't care. Out of anxiety, he chewed the already chipped black polish off of his fingernails on one hand while he held his phone in the other. Depression, anxiety, those and a host of many other things came along for a lifelong ride after a childhood spent in the foster system. High, high, he would feel so much better if he was high. No, he couldn't, not now. Instead, he spun around and began digging through his duffle bag until he found his benzos, one of the only drugs in the bag that was actually prescribed to him. He had already popped back two Xanax when the buzzing of his phone caused another wave of panic and anxiety to crash over him. Not only did she read the message, but she responded to it. It was right there, all he had to do was open it, but his fingers shook over the button. This was stupid, he was stupid. It had been two months, they agreed everything would get better if they just moved on. [center][i]So just pick your head up boy, and Walk away Walk the coolest walk that you know Cause in a month or two she'll call you You gotta hang up the phone[/i][/center] But he couldn't ignore the phone, not when he was the weak one that reached out in the first place. She was like a drug to him, and he never could resist a drug that made him feel that good, regardless of the side effects. So, he opened the message and read it. Her words rang truth that spoke directly to his soul, they never could do what was best for them... but it was the last sentence that really had him hung up. [i]I need to see you.[/i] With trembling fingers, he typed in the address of his condo suite, not knowing that she was only a few walls away. It was a bold move - a foolish, stupid move - but bold none-the-less. But the message was sent. Nothing good come of her coming over here. Not while he was alone. Not if she came alone. Stupid. Stupid...