[b]"Yeah!"[/b] Ralthavar and Taimaine spent a bit of time with the Theif's challenge, which was a breeze for Ralth. It consisted of not only finding feathers (Of which they just found one), but also picking pockets as well as opening locks. Most of the participants were kids who hardly knew how to stop giggling when they were sneaking around, but for Ralthavar he won without a problem. The overseer of the Thief Challenge was Tarmas, the village wizard. He didn't really want to take part of the Harvest Festival, but someone else was already taking care of the Wizard Challenge and Tarmas did volunteer to "Do his part" for the festival. As a reward, both Ralthavar and Taimaine received a Wand of Tricks. A simply little magic wand with only one [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/prestidigitation]spell[/url], and it seemed more like Tarmas was just trying to get rid of it rather than give it as a serious reward. After finishing that up, it was getting late. The sun was going down which meant now they'd have to fight the Mossfield's or else they win the Harvest Brawl by default. [b]"Ready to challenge the Mossfields Tai?"[/b]