The pantheon. I know they're not long descriptions, and maybe a bit hish hash, but I want to keep religion as simple as possible (to make it approachable!). The Gods mentioned will have been thousands of years old, and the stories of them passed down from one generation to the next by the word of mouth, to the point that their existence and original known form is subject to dispute. [b]Chief Deity:[/b] [b]Toumur,[/b] the God of the Sky, is somewhat plain, with tanned skin, short, wavy auburn hair, and eyes the color of shimmering crystals. He is short and muscular, and often appears angry. He usually wears worn, ragged clothing dyed violet and light grey. He is also associated with midnight, shadows and opposites. He is often worshipped by warriors. His vast flocks of followers can be primarily distinguished by the weapons they bear. There are quite a few carvings of him on lonely roads. There are many myths involving his vast travels with Jarif. He is the husband of Trolen. He is known to help epic mortal heroes. [b]Other Deities:[/b] [b]Nokra,[/b] the Goddess of Dawn, is very beautiful, with ashen skin, shoulder length, flowing black hair, and eyes the color of spring greenery. She is very tall and very slender, and often looks sly. She usually wears light and airy robes dyed dark violet and dark yellow. She is also associated with misery. She is often worshipped by lawbreakers. Her few followers can be primarily distinguished by the weapons they bear. There are many offerings to her in large cities. There are many myths involving her one-sided relationship with Naitenah. She is the sister of Jarif. She is known to place challenges before mortal heroes. [b]Naitenah,[/b] the Goddess of Justice and Torment, is shockingly beautiful, with brown skin, waist length, rippling gold hair, and eyes the color of shining silver. She is of average height and of hearty build, and is usually laughing. She usually wears simple clothes dyed pale violet. She is also associated with fish. She is often worshipped by priests. Her numerous followers can be primarily distinguished by the charms they carry with them. There are many temples to her at the edge of forests. There are many myths involving her many adventures with Trolen. She is the wife of Jarif. She is known to give aid to mortal villians. [b]Jarif,[/b] the Goddess of Magic, is almost plain-looking, with copper skin, short, dark golden hair, and eyes the color of red wine. She is tall and solidly built, and almost never smiles. She usually wears formal attire dyed dark blue. She is also associated with death, memory and rain. She is often worshipped by village folk. Her numerous followers can be primarily distinguished by the way they conduct themselves. There are a large number of statues of her in remote places. There are many myths involving her daring adventures with Keadath. She is the daughter of Keadath. She is known to hinder great mortal warriors. [b]Trolen,[/b] the God of the Undead, is very beautiful, with tanned skin, short, straight medium brown hair, and eyes the color of cold iron. He is medium height and broad-shouldered, and rarely laughs. He usually wears chain mail dyed dark bronze. He is also associated with forests, decay and passion. He is often worshipped by necromancers. His few, but dedicated followers can be primarily distinguished by the way they conduct themselves. There are more than a few statues of him found in subterranean areas. There are many myths involving his adventures with certain mortals. He is the father of Jarif. He is known to help great mortal leaders. [b]Keadath,[/b] the Goddess of the Sea, Money and the Forge, is eerily beautiful, with copper skin, short, straight light grey hair, and eyes the color of jade. She is average height and muscular, and looks somewhat malicious. She usually wears chain mail dyed dark blue-violet. She is also associated with prosperity. She is often worshipped by merchants. Her few followers can be primarily distinguished by the ritual greetings they use. There are a large number of altars dedicated to her in market places. There are many myths involving her epic battles with her mother, Jarif. She is known to reward greedy mortals.