Okay, firstly don't get your hopes up, I ain't promising nothing. [s]Second, please excuse his (jerks thumb at self) language, she needs sleep.[/s] Third and to the point; Is this based off something, cause I'm getting the feeling you all know something I don't. If so what? Cause I really quite like the idea, just that I think I'm missing something. I [b][i]might[/i][/b] claim Mr Warlock, I don't mind playing boys. Although no promises I can pull it off properly. I also tend to go for younger characters, soooo…… this'll be new. The only other thing putting me off, would be if he is pre decided, as in how he looks, acts, et cetera. Also [@ViolentViolet] I haven't forgotten the Max Ride rp, I just can't seem to be able to post for Fade, she doesn't like me at the moment. :)