Xaven would laugh as he was poked "yea, if your a nerd, which you are so its cool" he said, smiling as he sat down beside his father. "you just let me know Vanessa, and i'll give him a good pop" his dad said to her, making Xaven lean out of the way, before the cookies were brought out, Xaven stared. "oh, then at camp im afraid i will have to steal them, you wont know when or how, but it will happen" then when she stared talking about the pictures, one of them anyway, Xaven nodded. "i remember, thing hung off me like it was a to big car cover, last time i buy discount.. and look like? you were and still are a princess Nessie, what are you talking about this were" winking and smiling at her when she mentioned getting him to dance. "and i didnt want to ruin your evening" leaning up to look. "oh yea, well you remember what her dress looked like, she was a walking peach, you would have been a much better prom queen, but then if had danced with that pretty boy Handsy Stan, i'd have broken his hands and nose" his father arched a brow. "Handsy Stan, why.. ohhh" meaning the guy was grabby. when the Bikini's came out and she saw them, Xaven's mom smiled and nodded, everyone laughing when she teased about wearing one, but couldnt. "oh, you are to cruel, to cruel to me" as the pieces of cheese cake were passed around, and they all waited for Vanessa to take her birthday wish bite, after they all dug in, laughing and joking as they ate and just spent time together. "since your seventeen, this is your last time at camp isnt it?" his father said. "you two get to be like junior counselers if its still the same as it was when you two first start going" Xaven nodded. "Yea we.." before he cringed as a high pitched sound just collided with his hear, making him drop his fork and cover his ears as he groaned. inside the house, watching was the uncle.. Marcus blowing on a silver Dog whistle, and clearly it was effecting him as well, the crease in his brow, and tightness of his facial muscles as he blew it, but it was worth the small amount of pain, as he saw his nephew hear the same high pitch sound. he stopped, tucking the whistle into his pocket as he walked out, smiling. "sorry im late" Xaven pulled his hands from his ears, working his jaw. "geez, that sucked" he said to her as his parents thought Marcus had left. Marcus was tall, around 6'5, a buck ninety in weight, and he had the Vendal looks, that long hair all the men had, his long enough it had to be ponytailed, green eyes stared at Vanessa. "i hear its your birthday" he said, smiling of course he heard, he's been here long enough to know it was planned. "i got you something, our father" motioning to himself and Xaven's dad. "gave us a pocket knife, but you dont strike me as that type" holding out a small box. "and i didnt spend anything on it today, just something i've gotten in my travels" inside, she'd fine a lovely necklace, but the pendant was the eye piece. there was a wolf head, very detailed, that the eyes inside the pendant were red. below was a small, oval stone set under the wolf's head and it was a lovely amber color.[url]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/9e/4b/8d/9e4b8dda372487838f5268805a2ea5a9.jpg[/url] "the stone is claimed to be a moonstone, but its cloudy right" smiling as he sat down. "story goes, that a indian priestess, wore the stone once and she fell in love with a man from another tribe, the tribe didnt let people near them, they kept to themselves. but as it goes, two people, love at first site" he smiled. Xaven ate his cake slowly, listening as he his mother and father were shocked, they didnt know his goofing off and wanderering, he was actually learning stuff. "it wasnt long before this young priestess found out why her lover's tribe kept to themselves, they were children of the moon, and when she was high in the sky, they were shed their human bodies, and become the moon and earth's children" Xaven sat up. "Werewolves" smirking at Nessie with that "i told you he's nuts" look. "exactly Xaven, Werewolves" his uncle said. "in the story, she saw her lover become this wolf, and she still loved them, she wasnt afraid, wasnt scared, she knew he'd man or wolf never hurt her. they lived happily, had children and she kept his secret til her dying day. he was there, at her side and a single teardrop fell onto the stone from the man's eye as his wife went to their ancestors. and it changed color from the teardrop, turning it amber in color. after that, the man, having mastered the beast inside, was no long swayed by the moon's call, shed his human self and let the wolf out, and was never seen again" and he ended the story.