Nathan groaned, laying on the bunk of his bed, a combination of being brought into this damn place and the Crash, he was weak and slowly weakening even more. whoever they were, they wernt feeding him, and he had to eat almost constantly to keep up with his hyper Metabolism. wearing a pair of sweats, he pushed off the bed, and moved toward the door to his cell, he slammed his fist against. "HEY YOU SORRY SONS OF BITCHES!!" he yelled out. "IM NOT GETTING ENOUGH FOOD IN HERE, IM CRASHING, AND WHEN I DIE FROM THAT, IM SO COMING BACK AS A GHOST AND FUCKING YOUR WORLDS ALL UP!!" pounding on the door til he slipped, losing his balance and he spun around and fell to the side, hitting the floor like a sack of potatos. "son of a bitch" closing his eyes, he brought his hand up slowly, rubbing his forehead. "im going to stay here til i stop feeling the earth spin" he said, nodding to himself. laying there, his mind was going with his body, that sluggish feeling he couldnt even remember at this point if he had a roommate or not, not that it really mattered at the moment he was wanting, no needing food or they were about to have a seriously dead mutant on their hands, he no lie he would come back and haunt their asses.