As a second example, My phase shift monster: [hider=Spellsword of World's End] [u][i][b]Spellsword Of World's End[/b][/i][/u] [Spellcaster/Phase Shift/Effect] Phase a/b monsters who's levels equal 8 When this card is summoned, remove one Phase Unit and enter the corresponding phase. Phase A (CHARGING PHASE): Atk: 0 Def: 2000 This monster cannot be targeted by card effects or destroyed by battle, during any battles involving this defense position monster and a monster with greater atk than this card's defense, inflict the difference as piercing damage. Once per turn: you can place 5 Mana Counters on this card and move all Mana Counters on the field to this card. Phase B (DESTRUCTION PHASE): Atk: ? Def: ? This monster cannot be in defense position, if it is change it to attack position. This card's attack and defense become equal to the number of Mana Counters on it x300. Once per turn: remove any number of Mana Counters from this monster; Add Spell Cards from your banished pile equal to the number of Mana Counters you removed, then recalculate the ATK of this card. [/hider]