Not sure if you saw my other questions, but no matter; I'll make a list here. 1) If a mage is born to an high ranked official (perhaps a luminosity knight), and raised to use only healing magic, would they still have a collar? Is there any situation in which a mage wouldn't have a collar and be accepted into Altean society? 2) Are the Lumes a religious order of knighthood? If so, could we use writings on the knights templar to augment our understanding of their culture? IE: [url][/url] 3) Is being healed by a mage considered taboo? Are there any medical alternatives to magic and how advanced are they? 4) I couldn't find anything on religion in the tabs, and was wondering how religion functioned in Altea. Is it a political force? A cultural phenomenon? Is it a faith or a science or a warrior ethic? Polytheistic, monotheistic, etc?