[color=007236]"So, who was cuter. Me or Ezra? I can show you a second time if you didn't get a good look before,"[/color] Varric said, before winking dramatically. [i][color=bc8dbf]Damn. Why is it so easy to mess with me?[/color][/i] Guinevere hated that petty things like this bothered her. Anyone could just strip naked on the battlefield and Guinevere would be dead or seriously injured within seconds. The more she thought about it, the more it ticked her off. Everyone had their weaknesses, she knew that, but why was hers so foolish? Sighing, she decided to drop it. Besides, there was a little bard needed a good kick in the head. [color=bc8dbf]"Varric, you're so dead,"[/color] She warned, half serious, half joking. Guinevere would never hurt Varric, they both knew that. Now, did that mean she wouldn't jab him in the stomach later? Of course it didn't. She couldn't help but grin at the thought. "He's not coming with us." Aldric called out, snapping Guinevere back to reality. She had been so focused on Varric, she hadn't even noticed Aldric was beginning to follow the tracks. Alixanna was missing. There was no time for child's play, they had a mission to carry out. The original plan had both Aldric and Varric a part of it. While she didn't exactly want to spend an entire journey with Varric poking fun at her, Alixanna was more important. [color=bc8dbf]"Hold up,"[/color] She called after Aldric. Guinevere knew ahead of time that getting them to work together would be difficult. [color=bc8dbf]"Aldric, Whether you choose to believe it or not, Varric will be a huge help on this mission. For Alixanna's sake, I hope both of you learn to work together,"[/color] She proclaimed before heading up toward Aldric, not even glancing back to see if Varric followed. There wasn't any more time to argue, and if Varric didn't want to attend, well there was no forcing him to do anything. Guinevere could only hope.