Name: Lance Hardcheese, A.K.A the Game WARden Appearance: Tall, heavily built with a chiseled jaw and a grayed crew cut, Game Warden is a veritable beefslab, possessing a burly physique that can overpower most normal people with ease. His eyes however, are beady, hateful slits that can display only his thirst for vengeance. Game Warden blends in with the crowds, mostly wearing dark clothing, including long black leather coats to conceal whatever firearms he's brought to wage his war. His moniker is that on his shirt he wears a white deer skull. Age: 55 Gender: Male Hero/Villain/Neutral: Neutral. Powers: None, perhaps excepting his uncanny ability to procure heavy ordinance. However, Game Warden is an expert in the use of firearms, explosives, and CQC. He has years of military training and decades of experience that make him about as dangerous as any non-metahuman can get. Weapons: All manner of firearms, explosives, and other assorted military hardware. If it shoots bullets, he probably uses it. Personality: Game Warden is a man consumed by his one man war against his greatest foe, lost in a single minded haze of violence, his thoughts obscured by the scent of gore and gunpowder. As gruff as he is angry, his hello is a shot of whiskey and his goodbye is a bullet to the throat. History: When he was a child, Lance Hardcheese was a normal boy: youthful, and happy. All that changed one day when, while out for a drive, his single father accidentally hit a deer, crashing the car. When Lance came to, he saw that the deer's antler had been torn off, spearing his father in the throat. On that day, Lance Hardcheese made a vow: he would exterminate every last deer. The journey was not easy. Lance spent years training in every military force that would take him. Black Ops, Delta Force, Delta Green, Blackwater, and even more obscure and dangerous mercenary groups. As the years passed, Lance built up not just his skills, but his contacts, procuring weapons and supplies. He has safehouses and stores of weapons hidden in every major city, contacts in every gang of gutter rats. After almost three decades of this war, Game Warden is a legend carried on the whispers of frightened hunters and burned out crack heads. But now, his sights have turned on Neo-Tokyo. The population is about to get a whole lot lower. Weakness: Game Warden doesn't actually possess any superpowers. Other: Theme Song: