[hider=Summary] -Arguis contacts Vestec and Undasis -Undasis ignores him at first, and keeps thinking about biral manipulation and alchemy. After a while, she respondes and comes to the meeting, and Vestec shows up a few moments later. -Undasis and Vestec argue about corruption -Arguis asks Undasis and Vestec to help save the Cimex, by allying their people with his -Undasis makes a speach about how the humans cannot be allowed to wipe out too many of the Cimex, but he will not aid the Cimex until many of them have died. -Vestec refesus to ally Garakai with the non-corrupted Cimex -Arguis and Kraken leave Vestec just sitting alone in the water [/hider] Arguis watched as the situation in Galbar grew more and more tense. The Cimex planed an extremely coordinated plan, one that would involve them utilize the earth. And the ocean. The ocean was a territory that was still iffy for the Cimex, with the accession of the Mer, it would be difficult to swim about their waters all willie nilly. Not only that, the Uri and the humans would strike an alliance together, which would in turn, affect the Cimex greatly. Arguis looked to the north, Vestec's people had some Cimex, dragons, and an human army ready to attack the Cimex when they attack the humans. The odds did not look good for the Cimex. Arguis teleported to the ocean, Arguis remembered it's beauty from his last visit. [color=SlateBlue]"Undasis, Vestec, would it be possible for us to talk?"[/color] Arguis communicated to them telepathicly. Maybe some divine interference would do some good for the Cimex. [center]-*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*-[/center] There was but one altar in the spacious City of Concentus: the Great Oceanic Temple, a massive construct designed to hold thousands of worshipers to Undasis within it's shining marble halls and pulsating, mult-coloured walls made from biral. Biral is a rainbow-shaded magical substance found rare and alien to anyone other than a select people- namely, the Mer. This deceptively simple material has dozens of potential uses, but perhaps it's most shocking quality is this: biral is alive. Like a plant or a fungi, it grows naturally and without mortal aid, spouting forth from the sand and coating the seafloor. Unlike a plant or a fungi, it is susceptible to all sorts of Wi, spiritual, and mystic manipulation. At the moment Undasis formed Mer from the dying souls of humanity, Aestus taught his newfound brethren to channel their inner being and shape the biral as they saw fit. A practiced wielder of magic could use biral to create heat and light like a fire, form buildings as strong as stone or weapons sharp as steel, or even devour it as a substitue for food, water, and sunlight. It was, for all intents and purposes, the ultimate multi-purpose tool, if you are one of those very, very few with the divine gift of "biral manipulation" or "alchemy". And this, indeed, was a lucky few- only one in five-hundred were born with the ability to use these powers, and even less could do so well. When Undasis was contacted by the Knowledge God, she had been studying with this very substance. Woman of the Water had found herself consumed with curiousity; she desired to know if biral could be improved upon even further, so that it's magical properties could form a replacement for all the things underwater life lacked: fire, easily used electricity, available heat source, and so on. Upon hearing Arguis's request for conversation, she had an idea. [color=00aeef]"Astarte, may I see you later? I've found something most magical, but I don't think I'm capable of unlocking it's full potential. If there is anyone who can,it is you."[/color] She said, [color=00aeef]"Oh, and, uh...sorry about the ants. Guess I got a little carried away with the thought of sealife. If it makes you feel any better, they aren't all dead."[/color] Kraken's voice suddenly rumbled to life. [color=f26522]"Do not waste your time with such a mundane affair, now. Astarte and her spells can wait. There is another in our oceans, his essence infecting it like a disease. [i]Arguis[/i] has no reason to be here, deal with him now."[/color] Kraken was right. She shouldn't ignore Arguis, simply because they were preoccupied with something else. [color=00aeef]"I see you have once more ventured into my glorious oceans, God of Knowledge. Sorry for the slowness of my responce, my mind was elsewhere. Tell me, my guest of the waters, what does your omniscience tell you of this strange object which has stolen my passions, this 'biral'?...Ah, nevermind, it's not your concern nor your territory. Sorry. Yes, I will meet with you in a moment."[/color] The body of She of the Waters suddenly dissipated into sea-foam, and she reformed in beauty at Arguis's side. [color=00aeef]"Something you need?"[/color] Her dark eyebrows perked up in curiosity. He was in the ocean, so she could feel a bit of his intent through a mix of telepathy and intuition. He wanted something to do with one of his creations...probably intelligent ones...the Uri, no...the Cimex, maybe...but that was all she knew. Vestec appeared next to the two gods, his rapidly flashing colors illuminating the darkness all around them. "My, my Undasis. You really let Kraken go didn't you? It's all doom, and gloom and terrible fish monsters." He giggled, idly corrupting one of the Terrorfishes that drew too close. A bolt of hot liquid surged from Undasis's body and exterminated the corrupted fish. Vestec giggled again. "What? You don't want some of [i]my[/i] creatures down here? You were happy enough to take my sea ants." [color=00aeef]"I have no quarrel with you, but Kraken is cautious about such creatures. I'm sure you understand, I doubt you would be too pleased if a creature of mine swallowed the leaders of Garakai. Likewise, our Mer are in a delicate stage of devoplment. I do not despise you, but I must be paranoid of foreign influence for the time being. Later I may relax."[/color] "That's right...you made a race. A nice, orderly, uninfluened race. I'll make sure to visit them at some point. And besides, if you swallowed Viscardi or his brothers, you'd get indigestion. They're all rather tough and chewy, being ancient immortal humans." Giggling, he turned his gaze towards Arguis."So? What is it that you want God of Knowledge? I have a terrible war that will cost thousands of lives on all three sides to watch and interfere with." His gaze sanpped towards the surface. "Damn that dragon. Waking up [i]now[/i] of all times? After so long slumbering and doing nothing? I'll have to make another example." [color=00aeef]"Oh? My people aren't very orderly in their emotions, and that's precisely why I must be wary of you, for now. Perhaps another time I can allow Vestec and your chaos into the sea with open arms, but not now."[/color] Woman of the Waters was not truly angry with Vestec- he was only doing as his nature forced him, after all- but she knew how easily corrupted the Mer would be, as frivolous and flippant and childish as they are. She hoped to keep Vestecian influence out of her home, at least for the time being. "Now you're just tempting me, my dear. Don't worry, I'll leave most of the Mer alone. But every race could use a little more chaos, don't you think? More than the Kraken gives, at least." Vestec giggled again, now ignoring Arguis in favor of far more entertaining conversation. Undasis sighed loudly, bubbles rather than air escaping from her red lips. Clearly there was no reasoning with this fool. Kraken was growing more and more furious, but the Woman just barely managed to hold him back, for the sake of keeping some semblance of real peace. [color=00aeef]"Fair enough, Vestec, but I ask you, from any kindness you may deign to reveal, not to harm them too much- the Mer are my dearest children. They are more than just another creation."[/color] Her eyes seemed to be feeled with a great sadness for a moment, but it suddenly pulled away. [color=00aeef]"I'm sorry, brother Arguis, I'm sure you didn't come to hear our petty disagreements. What is it you desire from us? My grace and Kraken's fury are at your full disposal, should you need them for a just cause."[/color] Arguis waited for the two to respond, he really did not have much time on his hands. The Humans and Uri had come up with a plan to fight the Cimex, they had their plan set in stone, but if these two gods could help, it would turn the tides on the humans, drastically. Arguis was glad the Undasis responded first, he would have rather met her first the Vestec, that god angered him in ways the should not have even been possible. Arguis let Vestec and Undasis have their chat, he was not going to rush them because of his own situation. When he was given the stage, he did not hesitate. [color=SlateBlue]"I cannot justify an act of war to be pure and righteous, but the complete destruction of a race is another thing. Despite they themselves insighting the war, such an army would be to difficult to take on alone. And with the meddling of Vestec..."[/color] saying that with as much venom as possible. [color=SlateBlue]"The Cimexian Armies are out maned now. If you really wanted an alliance Vestec you could have just asked nicely. Anyway, I have come to beseech both of you, the tribes to the North have an army what can cripple the human forces, the Mer have the sea, a beautiful yet powerful force. I wish for the Cimex to ally with the North, and the Cimex be allowed to swim in the waters of Galbar. If there Mer would be willing to help also, that would be appreciated. The Cimex have split their army into 3, the largest, the land force, the underground force, tunnerlers, and the Ocean force. Would you be willing to assist them?"[/color] Arguis said cocking his head to the side, if they wished to help the great not, the Arguis would have to take things into his own hands. [color=00aeef]"The Cimex. I have been watching them, as you may or may not know,"[/color] Undasis glanced without complete trust at Arguis- she was still fearful of his knowledge. [color=00aeef]"and I do, believe it or not, feel sympathy for their plight. It is wrong that whole race shall perish for the good of another. Humanity may gain from the death of Cimex, but likewise would not the Cimex gain from the death of humanity? By what justification can our humans save themselves, if it costs the lives of another? There is no difference between what the humans are doing to the Cimex or have long-since done to the Dyun, and what the Cimex and Dyun once did to the humans. Are they not equally wicked, now?"[/color] She stopped to smile to herself for a moment, realising this was almost identical to the logic she had used against Svieand. Perhaps the Sea God could be more reasonable than others assume. [color=00aeef]"But make no mistake, Arguis, I fully support humanity's right to kill a few hives after all they have been through at the hands of your creations, while you have looked the other way and callously ignored their suffering. I simply do not want them to kill [i]all[/i] the hives, because no people- even those as sometimes disgustingly violent as your own- should be compeltely extinguished. There is an immense beauty in all sentient life, and I will not, for the good of any other race, allow the beauty of the Cimex to be swallowed up."[/color] Vestec nodded, disappointed Undasis had finally given in. It wasn't any fun when the other Gods finally stopped getting angry about it. He merely giggled when Arguis spoke towards him with venom, waving cheerfully at the knowledge God. Vestec waited for the two gods to stop speaking then raised a hand like a school child. "Why, exactly, should I have the Garakains ally with the Cimex as a race entirely? They're already going to be attacking everything south of them, and they have Cimex on their side. Albeit they're now [i]my[/i] Cimex. The race will persevere, the main instigators of this war will merely be destroyed, and everyone is happy. Besides, I seem to have upset you by ruining your precious plans for these two races." He giggled again, tilting his head in a mirror of Arguis. "And I find that endlessly amusing." [color=00aeef]"When you corrupt a being, Vestec, you change a bit of who they are at the core. Any Cimex you've corrupted is no longer a Cimex in the truest sense of the word, they are something new entirely. I propose that some of the original, pure Cimex [i]must[/i] survive. You will only make corruption and chaos the new order, if you continue like this."[/color] "That's why people like Vowzra and Escre and dear Arguis exist. They'll fight against my creations, preventing the new order from ever forming." Vestec explained. "Besides, I'll just kill them all if it gets too much for the forces of Order." Undasis just shook her head in a disappointed manner. What was the point of causing chaos, when the chaos did not lead to anything but more of the same? Kraken's chaos, at least, had a clear purpose: create monsters to remind landwellers to fear the sea, cause destruction to those who deserve it, drown the world so that all intelligent life may experiance the glory of the oceans, create a race of emotionally unpredictable Mer-folk so that their chaos may come together for a better whole- like a symphony of disconcordant instruments, joining to make a still beautiful concert. But Vestec could not be more different. He wreaked havoc for havoc's sake, never bothering to excuse or temper his actions. A demon, a monster. It was all for his own twisted entertainment. No greater purpose, no reason. It seemed that neither Vestec, or Undasis would provide any assistance to the Cimex. If this was so, why waste his time with them, He had the power make the Cimex a thousand times stronger, in fact. But he had came to them for strategic reasons, the Cimex would be attacked from the north, east, and south, not to mention the Sanguine's sneak attacks. Arguis stayed silent, even when both were finished speaking, his eyes were hard. He had stayed fairly passive throught the years after the Uri and Cimex were born, it looked like her could not longer ignore all this. [color=SlateBlue]"Vestec, I'm sure you are of the saying, 'Too much of everything is bad.' I see many things Vestec, if you aren't careful, you may end up reduced to the weak state that you experienced in the beginning. The world is a cruel place, I warn you, you cannot protect all beings by yourself, the inhabitants of Galbar will be the Mer's undoing."[/color] Arguis sighed, all and all that was uncalled for. [color=SlateBlue]"I apologize, calling calamity upon you both was out of line, forgive me. But I will say this, the humans will not be wiped out the Cimex."[/color] The Woman could no longer contain the Kraken. She grew to a once more monsterous size, her smooth skin becoming rough and scaled, her eyes transforming black. [color=f26522]"For all your supposed knowledge, you are a poorly-tounged and worthless moron. We made it clear that we will aid the Cimex if they come close to being wiped out, but short of extinction, they deserve whatever torture happens to them. And so will you, Arguis, as I will not forget this. You will never again be welcome here, get out of my waters. Now." [/color] Kraken sent a telepathic signal that made it clear he was prepared to fight if his two "guests" did not leave immediately. Vestec stepped back a bit, out of the way of the Kraken if he charged Arguis. He giggled again, watching expectantly for the fight to break out. "If I'm careful I might end up that way regardless. Nothing is sure. You of all people should know that [i]Knowledge[/i] God." Arguis simply smiled at Kraken anger and discontent. Their admonition to save the Cimex when little was left, was absurd. Pushing a race even to "near" extinction would be cruel on their part. Endangering a species because if their nature, she had seen nothing, what the humans would and could do. What the Mer people to would have to do to survive, avoid the humans. Arguis smiled, they were their own undoing, if the Cimex's population lowered to the point of endangerment, the they would come back stronger, ready to fight the humans and Uri, already evolved to better combat their very strength. That, he could guarantee. Arguis nodded his head to the Kraken. [color=SlateBlue]"As you wish."[/color]. [color=SlateBlue]"Ah, no... because time is a giant killer and hence future is uncertain..... what we know for sure today may well turn out to have been an illusion by tomorrow. For the same reason, however, nothing is impossible. Hence may be one day we would know something for sure that can not be doubted ever. Who knows? All we can so is wait and see."[/color] and with that, Arguis dissaperaed. The heat in Undasis's eyes seemed to calm somewhat upon Arguis's leave, and he turned for Vestec. [color=f26522]"You are still mostly welcome in my domain, Chaotic One, so long as I don't return to find the ocean on fire or something."[/color] Kraken gave some ugly, deformed imitation of a smile. The Sea God vanished in a flurry of waves and wind, off to try and meet with Astarte, leaving Vestec alone in his nightime waters.