Hunter tried to make his way to his room, He made it into the hallway and attempted to open the door. He had a lot of trouble trying to find the key, He though he had it, he just used it. He could find the modified one but that one wouldn't work on his room now. He wasn't that drunk? he should be able to find the damn key, unless he set it down with out knowing. Though before long he heard the door behind him open, and a voice, one all to familiar. [i]"Hunter? Wait, please,"[/i] She said in a soft, sweet voice. He didn't know what to do He just stood still for a moment, Frozen in his own mind. He snapped back to reality and turned around, but not before wiping the tears from his face. They locked eyes, It's hard to say how long they stood there, it seemed like forever, it felt... amazing. He remembered all the good times they had, everything from attempting to watch the stars on a cloudy night in the back of the El Comino too the Winter banquet, where they shared the most amazing dance ever. Amelia had that look in her eyes, He saw fear, happiness, anger, maybe even love. He knew he screwed up, he knew there was no going back. He had his life now, and that was the way it was going to be. It didn't mean he was going to like it. Though, did it mean they had too be apart? He reached over to her face an wiped away a tear on her cheek, Then he smiled. "Thank you, Thank you for giving me the best time of my life. You are the reason I fought so hard to stay in the school, despite everything." He stayed quite for a moment, Then he hugged her for all his worth. Well hugging her he spoke. "If I could change things, If I could go back in time, I would have come back, I wouldn't have gone out... I wouldn't have left you." Tears rode down his face. "I would do anything for things to be the way they were, to be with you. I would give up everything... Just so I could be with you... Too see our lives progress." He would let go, with pain in his eyes as he did. "If things were better, I'd go off with you now, drive into the sunset well our savings waste away into gas money and cheap motels." He trailed off. "We both know I can't do that... I have things that I need to take care of..." He started to try and open his room again, then stopped. "Even though things wont work out the way we intended... I hope that someday... maybe we will have a chance." The door finally gave way to the fake card.