Shooting civilians isn't exactly my style, but between the fact that ElecTech palm stunners are guaranteed 100% nonlethal and the nagging thought in the back of my head asking when exactly I would be willing to fire if I wasn't going to shoot someone holding a gun on me, I take a breath and steady my shivering body. Keep the friendly smile up, don't give them a clue. "D-d-don't y-you m-mean f-f-f-Freeze?" Judging by their weapons, they shouldn't be familiar with anything as small as my stunner, so they probably think I'm unarmed. I move both my hands up, forearms vertical, hands curled, and with some care begin to aim... Ok, so, feel for the first button, turn on the optic link, join up with the cybernetic... first... button... damn my hands are cold, can't feel the damn buttons. I try a wireless link, but I pick up... nothing. Or at least not my stunner. Some audio channels, and an image link that, after a moment's hacking (terrible security) just shows me darkness, probably from inside someone's pocket. I look down at my hand in confusion, look at the stunner and for a moment I'm just a mess of confusion as two images float around in my vision. One image is what I expect- a smooth white cylinder with a tiny silver arc projector protruding out one side, the other... a smooth light grey cylinder that is... well, a rock, to be perfectly blunt. As I stare at it, the images coalesce and only the rock is left. A fulgurite, I think it's called. Pretty sure rocks like this were thought to protect against lightning strikes by some ancient religion? I dunno. I look at it in disbelief for a moment, then sigh and toss the thing to the side. I wait for the kid to finish on his radio while my mind whirs. "Ok, look kid, just chill. You don't have to be all hot-headed here. Put the gun down and take some time to chat, and you'll see we're pretty cool. I..." my mind locks up and I grimace. "Yeeeah, look, can we skip to the part where you take us somewhere warm? I'm kind of running out of material." "I can't speak for him, but I was taken here against my will, and last I checked being kidnapped's not a crime. We talked a bit, and that's not a crime either, and unless you've got laws outside the Legion Aegis then using corpses as needed in a survival situation is also legal. So, unless you've got some real reason to shoot us, I'd appreciate you putting the gun down."