[quote=@Henwen] Oh lol, i just realized that what with my character and spud's character we'll have two sets of 1/2 twins! thats a little too much of a coincidence isnt it? should i fix it? I kinda think its funny... [/quote] You can leave that in if you like, perhaps we could fudge around the issue with something about "experimental fertility treatments" or "GMO foods" increasing the rate of twins on some colonies and Viva and Loire could happen to both hail from affected areas. You can edit if you like but I don't see it as a massive issue. I've grown up in roughly 3 small rural areas and I know of roughly 5 sets of twins and there are 2 sets of twins in my own family (me and my sister who passed away, and then my cousin had twin boys last year). As for the rest of your CS its fine to me, I did say no stylised pictures in teh appearance section but your description is perfect so thats all above board for me!! I like the potential of a run0in with Viva's brother, perhaps at some point later in the RP he could run into trouble and they end up smuggling him on board to evade the law, or maybe if we go down the route of a crew of pirates/criminals they could do a deal with him! I like Viva's personality and overall its all cool with me as long as you are happy!