[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjA2YWJkYi5RWHB2YldVLC4w/princess-sofia.regular.png[/img] [hider=Leopard Sounds Reference] [YouTube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zi3350uEvE8[/YouTube] [/hider] [color=skyblue]"Please... tell me we're there already..."[/color] came from the blue eyed woman as she sighed, the sound more like a whimper of pain. The response to her plead was an equally sad sounding roar that came from her pet Polar Leopard, Kavi. He had been so nice to her all this time as he carried her on his back while walking through the forest towards the nearest town. With her fingertips and shoes brushing the ground as she dangled over him, she looked like a towel draped across his back. Which was ironic since she was dripping with sweat and probably only causing Kavi more discomfort. This was why she hated hot weather. With each step Kavi took, her body swayed and Azome was starting to get dizzier and dizzier. She hardly had any drinking water left and sighing, she decided it would be best to give it to her more than deserving pet. [color=skyblue]"Kavi. Rest."[/color] she said, starting to shift her body and turn to sit up. Before she had a chance though, the exausted cat flopped down onto the ground in a tired heap, causing her to slip off and onto her bottom next to him. [color=skyblue]"Really?"[/color] she said, standing and dusting herself off. She reached into the pouch that was strapped to Kavi's saddle, bringing out the large container of water that rested inside. Carrying it over to the front of him, she ordered him to open his mouth before pouring the rest of the warm water over his tongue. With the last little bit, she poured it on his head, hoping to cool him down. He gave a happy grunt, pushing his head into her belly and she hugged him in response before putting back the water jug. [color=skyblue]"Come on, let's rest in the shade over there."[/color] she said, scratching his ear and leading him towards the shade of a large tree. Immediately he followed and eventually walked past her, moving in a circle a few times and pawing at the ground under the tree. After a snort of satisfaction, he lay down, resting his head on his paws. Azome watched his routine with a smile, catching up to him eventually and sitting next to him, leaning against his side. She yawned, though not having done much to be sleepy, and blamed it on Kavi's soft fur. Closing her eyes, the two fell into a pattern of slow breathing as they always did. When she breathed in, he breathed out and visa versa. She didn't know how long the two rested there, but the unforgiving heat never let up. With her mouth getting drier by the second, she debated whether to just drink her bending water or not, despite how gross that would be. [color=skyblue]"Damn..."[/color] she mumbled. With Kavi cat napping behind her, Azome allowed herself to relax while he took as much time as he needed to recuperate. At some point, Kavi began rumbling and causing her body to tremble slightly. It roused her and she turned her head to look at his face. His head was raised, emerald eyes trained on the road they had been walking on before and teeth barred. Realizing the rumbling had been him growling, she pushed his bushy tail off of her and stood up. [color=skyblue]"What is it, Kavi?"[/color] she asked, placing her hand on his head to reassure him. He gave a grunt and stood too, raising up and moving to put himself between her and the road as if there was some threat waiting out there that she couldn't see. Placing her left hand on her water pouch, she readied herself for a fight and peered around Kavi's body, seeing a figure dressed in black coming towards them. [color=skyblue]"Woah, he must be hot..."[/color] she said curiously, though Kavi just gave another warning growl. [color=skyblue]"Hey do you need some water?"[/color] she called out to him, stepping around Kavi despite him trying to keep her behind him by stepping forward. Though she had none to give him, she was wondering what he needed, and as he stopped a few steps away from her, she patted Kavi's head and walked forward. The figure held out a piece of paper towards her and she cautiously took it. Looking down and reading the paper, she realized it was from the White Lotus, and apparently they wanted her to meet them. Her eyebrows pushed together as she frowned. [color=skyblue]"Well where-"[/color] she looked up and the figure was gone. [color=skyblue]"Shit. Are you serious?"[/color] she said, turning and waiting for Kavi to reach her. He pressed his head into her and she hugged him before climbing up onto his back. [color=skyblue]"Alright Kavi, change of plans. Going towards the ocean. Remember the way to the camp?"[/color] she asked him, petting his neck. He gave a roar in response and started to run, turning to the east in the direction of the sea. With Kavi running at full speed, the world flew by them in a blur, and soon they reached the edge of the water where some people were tending to canoes and fishing things. She smirked as they just flew by them, Kavi leaping up and running into the water without hesitation. As his head began to submerge, Azome bended a bubble around them so he could breathe, leaving his legs out so he could swim freely. As they were set off towards the camp, Azome kept one hand swirling to keep the bubble in tact and her other hand petted Kavi's neck again. [color=skyblue]"Best cat a girl could ever want."[/color] she teased him.