[quote=@Henwen] [@Spud] I'm glad you like my gal! I think i'll keep it as a twin thing, it's too funny to ignore and it gives something they could relate to eachother about. Also I moved the picture so we should be golden! Also totally up for a run in with Viva's brother. Heck even if we go legitimate we could still run in with him if we're carrying something valuable enough. Boy's trouble he is. [/quote] Yeah, I reckon Loire will keep all his past to himself, so no one will know about his role in the biotic implant experiments (he was struck from the study so his name isn't featured anywhere in the research -not tht the failures would be easily found either) and as for his sister, I doubt anyone would do a full background research on him just for fun, and he's not going to bring either of those topics up in casual discussion, but eventually him and Vee could open up and talk about it. If Viva's brother does turn up, I could totally picture a scene where they find him bleeding from a gunshot wound during a deal-gone-bad, take him on board and Loire patches him up while Viva reacts to seeing him (and the trouble that follows him!) after so long.