[i]Omero walked out into the now destroyed courtyard. The vampire master and his three thralls had finally been defeated, the members of the Red Cross had all sustained injuries as they had predicted, but none that were fatal. Omero had lost his right eye in the battle, after it had been cut by one of the vampire thralls. Omero knew he was now going to be permanently blind in that eye for the rest of his life; though Omero had at least gotten his retribution by stabbing a stake into the monsters heart. Omero walked over to the stone alter in the middle of the courtyard where the peasant girl still lay. Though Omero’s face hid his true emotions, he felt a great deal of sadness. He was meant to have saved this girl, but he had failed. Perhaps if the Red Cross had prioritised the girl’s life over killing the vampire master, then maybe she may have survived. But it was too late now and Omero knew better than to dwell on the choices of the past. Omero knew what he had to do. The vampire master had drained her of blood and soon she would become a vampire thrall like the monster that had gouged out Omero’s eye. Omero looked at the girl one last time, before lifting the stake above his head and stabbing it into her heart.[/i] Omero awoke with a jolt, sending a sharp burst of pain from his side to the rest of his body. Omero tried his best to ignore the pain and observed his surroundings; he was just below the top deck of the ‘Burnt Bitch’ in what looked like a makeshift surgery room. Giving that Omero was alive and the burnt bitch was still intact was pretty clear that the crew has somehow defeated the ebony knight. Omero thought about getting up to see what had happened, but he decided against it. If he wanted his wound to heal quickly he would have to avoid upsetting it. Omero looked up to see a man whom Omero assumed was the ship’s surgeon. He was currently healing a man who Omero soon identified as one of the captain’s officers, Leonard. Omero barely recognised the Englishman what with all his injuries. The surgeon looked more of a brawler than he did a doctor. However as Omero examined the work that the doctor had done it was clear that looks truly were deceiving. This man was extremely talented in his trait and giving the circumstances Omero couldn’t be better hands. Omero was about to ask the surgeon about what happened. However after observing the state that Leonard was in it was clear the surgeon had far more important things to deal with. Omero had so many questions, how did the crew manage to beat the ebony knight? How many crew members survived the attack? What was the state of the ship? Was Artemisia OK? Yet Omero knew the best thing he could do at the moment was to try and get some rest. All would be revealed in time.