Since everyone is doing introductions, I may as well before my post. I am Viscerous, Vis for short. East coast US so you all know my time zone. 2D fighting games are my shit, I also love RPGs such as Fallout (Super hyped for Fallout 4, got my 5 pound pip-boy preordered.). I'm usually pretty laid back, try to be nice when I can. Just try to not piss me off and everything is golden. I adore proper spelling, along with grammar (It's just about as sexy as anything can get for me.), and I try to hold myself to the standard of my expectations. I enjoy criticism when applied constructively and am willing to give it to anyone who asks. Uhm, I think that's about it... Anyway, pleasure to meet you all, I hope to get along splendidly. As far as character interaction goes, I'm down for it whenever. Feel free to walk up to either of my characters an try anything. Just expect appropriate reactions to funny business. ^-^ [hr] Edit: On that subject, Alexis could be Maxine's buyer.