[Center] [IMG]http://api.ning.com/files/79qIlGeItRpttRUngIhkucWUGfd-t*W1*GHvauLqByqQv4kK670M-9zgw61xVasbYpND7GlKDZD*Rc9xMMcilBPBNMUJOgLG/BlackandWhiteAnimeBoy.jpg[/IMG] [H2] ZERO [/h2] Name: Rythian Brindley Age: 17 Hometown: Homeless but lived in the United kingdom Side: Breed Power: Spatial Manipulation Rythian can warp, bend, flip, crush, control and otherwise manipulate physical aspects of space within an area of his choosing, including an area and whatever is inside of that area. He's able to trap subjects or objects in space and push that space, throwing subject and object away from him or to create wormholes, paradoxes, and other strange events by warping spatial areas and twisting them around. Weapon(s): None needed Bio: Rythian is probably one of the most dangerous teens to be created from the accident. His past is not known since he was homeless when he was found. He doesn't seek to become stronger but is very loyal to the scientist who granted him his powers. He serves the scientist and does his bidding because he believes he owes him. Rythian does know right from wrong and would go rogue if he feels that the scientist demands are too critical. Besides that he tends to cling to the scientist dealing with what ever attempts to hurt him or bad mouths him. [/Center]