Aldric stopped at Guinevere's command. He already knew what she was going to say, and he knew exactly what he was going to say back. [color=92278f]"Aldric, Whether you choose to believe it or not, Varric will be a huge help on this mission. For Alixanna's sake, I hope both of you learn to work together," [/color] Just as he thought, she wanted to bring Varric along. The bard had his uses to be sure, but the potential risk was far, far too great. If they failed it would be nearly impossible for Aldric to forgive himself, how would he ever face Varric? [color=9e0b0f]"No. He's a risk and a liability. And we can't afford to take risks, Alixanna can't afford for us to take risks." [/color]With that he began walking again, following the tracks of the cart. And then Varric decided to speak. [color=007236]"Now Aldric, aren't you supposed to be a professional? Through our skills combined, we stand the best chance of finding Alixanna. And I am worried about her, even if I can still spin a joke and laugh a bit with a good friend. Would you put her at greater risk simply because you don't like me? If it would help you, I'll be quiet, and simply use my magic to help you track. You'll note my affinity is with nature, especially the wind. I learned long ago how to use the wind to follow scent trails. I'm as good as one of your father's hounds, and slightly more adorable,[/color] Now Aldric was getting irritated. Why couldn't they see? Why couldn't they understand what was going on here? It was exasperating. Aldric took a deep breath and thought very carefully before responding, taking great measure to ensure his voice sounded as cold and calculating as it possibly could.[color=9e0b0f] "You're right, I'm a professional. You're not. And that's why you can't come regardless of what you or I may think of one another."[/color] He was facing Varric at this point, the young ranger's face a mask of stone. [color=9e0b0f]"Our best chance, of finding and rescuing Alixanna, is if we are cold, calculating, and efficient. We must be a machine with the focus of an eagle. No deviations, no distractions. Your abilities are useful, yes. But not required. The world goes on whether magic is used or not."[/color] He took another deep breath before turning away, once again following the tracks. [color=9e0b0f]"The greater risk, Varric. Is your mischievous, irresponsible nature getting us or Alixanna killed. That is a bargain I am not willing to take."[/color]