By the time Grace and her young partner, who was trying to keep back as much as possible, made it to the scene things had already gone underway, quite badly for the robbers. One was already down for the count, his throat slashed open while another one was currently locked in a stare down with one of the strangest things she had ever seen. It was a robotic samurai, at least that is what it appeared to be. There also appeared to be 'something' else in the building but Grace had more pressing matters to attend to at the moment. The third robber, who had lagged a bit behind the others and therefore managed to avoid getting smacked and gutted, was understandably quite scarred and made a bolt for a different alleyway. Grace noticed he had dropped his gun in panic so she quickly signaled her protege to chase after him. Not wanting to be caught up with whatever the heck that was pointing a crossbow at the remaining crook, the young man nodded and chased after the thief. Now Grace was alone with the 'samurai-roid' and the last remaining robber. She was quite happy she had decided to take her shotgun. [color=ec008c]"Now see here, let's put down the weapons nice and quiet like so I don't have ta start shooting."[/color] The problem with two armed 'people' was it could be hard to know which one to point her weapon at, she decided to aim at both equally. [color=ec008c]"I ain't sure what ya are but I'm here to make an arrest. Stand down and I might allow ya to get away with self-defense."[/color] This was certainly not a situation in her years of service that had ever come up before. The gunman was now thoroughly freaked out being caught between a crossbow-wielding robot thing and a police officer with a shotgun of all things. "Stay back you freak! Damn, what a crazy ass situation." Cursing the gunman considered his options, to give up into the custody of the police to escape the angry robot or to try and fight it out? All of his options seemed like crap. A cyber hound, much of its body parts replaced with metal, especially the claws, had caught the 'scent'. Bounding toward where the experiments should be, a transmission was automatically fed back to Robert, giving the approximate location. Other cybers quickly started to congregate on the area, all of these were animal based as Robert wanted to move as quickly as possible. The cyber hound's thermal visions quickly picked up some signatures, the closest being a humanoid running from another humanoid. Running forward the beast tackled the out-of-luck third robber and promptly bite his chest. The cyber hound was designed to paralyze its prey, which meant an electrical current shot from its teeth through the robber who managed to give one good scream before falling unconscious. Quickly the dog's sensors noticed it was just a regular human and since it was designed not to leave witnesses, ripped out his throat. The poor young officer gave one quick glance at the cyber hound bloodying up the robber and ran faster than he ever had in his life. "Holy crap! Help me!" After ensuring the robber was dead the hound zoomed after the young officer to do him in next.