Torie seemed to completely ignore everything around him as he followed the group to the dining hall, still absolutely heartbroken and bumping into shit constantly. [i]"My career's heart can't take it...the promise of all that money, a rainbow in the dark..."[/i] he lamented in his own mind, having the sense not to scream about how he wanted the damn money in front of the boss. As much as he wanted that money...pretty much more than anything in the entire universe, out of every single scientifically discovered substance, or magical power, that damn money had priority between his ears. Simply taking a seat without saying anything, he was seated beside Luka, his chin resting on the table while he blankly looked at the food before him. He started to wonder just how much it costed to make this entire spread, and lamented once more: [i]"Could have bought a bazillion potatoes...a katrillion carrots..."[/i] obviously not knowing that those weren't real measurements. Torie never DID go to school...or learn addition. Or how to spell. Or table manners. Or that there was more than one kind of pie. Well, there were more, like rhubarb, and cherry, but... His internal rambling started to drive him a little sane again, causing him to at least sit up after a minute of slouching and resting his head on his palm, propping his right arm up by his elbow. [b]"Thanks for the grub."[/b] he said, trying not to sound as dead as he felt on the inside.