"I don't threaten" Connor said in a neutral, toneless voice. "I promise" He turned away. "You may not care about this planet. BUt there are billions of lives here, and I will protect them from those that wish to do harm. And right now, you are on the line. Neglect to tell us anything, or hinder our investigations..." He trailed off and shrugged he really doubted that there was anything, chemical, that could burn like Lady Lobo was saying. So eiither it was a new substance, or it was someone with powers. ------ Kalinda moved smoothly, the shadows hiding her, unhindered by the alarm, but she did stop some of the AIM guards as she moved along, doing what was required of her. She thought of her 'team mates', but figured they could look after themselves. ---- Phoebe nodded, and she left the phone on, as she rose, in case Makoto wished to continue talking with Katherin. She grabbed her suit, in case it was needed, and checked the house was secure, not tat it would stop a missle, but the small ritual made her feel better, before returning to the table, and phone conversation, "Sounds like a good idea to me"