[centre][b][color=black]Vowzra, Level 5 God of Time 13 Might 3 Free Points[/color][/b][/centre] [hider=Summary] [list] [*] Vowzra responds to Escre's call [*] Vowzra rejuvenates Orabil [*] Vowzra gives Sauranath a long lecture and tells him to go back to his sleep [/list] [/hider] From a very distant place, yet not distant at all. Galaxies away, a universe apart, yet so close as to be atop the source of the sound, Vowzra Heard with an Ear and he Saw with an Eye. He wondered if this was worthy of his interference. He had saved the world from the darkness before, did this not mean that Fate had willed that the darkness should be? Nevertheless, the voice of the Guardian of Life called to him, and Vowzra felt compelled to respond to his brother-who-denied-their-brotherhood. [color=black][b]'I come...'[/b][/color] his voice echoed in the minds of both Escre and Sauranath, and as it echoed a gap in the fabric of existence appeared between the two gods and tentacles crackling with a most terrible energy ripped out. The desecrated earth below withered even further, even the twilight died around them and not even the Eternal Night could fill the emptiness which surrounded them. It was true nothingness, like the emptiness of pre-existence, and it was a most terrible thing for existence and pre-existence to be so savagely brought together. It was a display of power and might from Vowzra, [i]such is my power[/i], was the implication to all present, [i]fear and heed[/i]. The rest of the Timeless One followed, and with him came more of that void from pre-existence. It surrounded him like an aura. Behind him the tear healed itself and he stood between the two, terrible and mighty. He was [url=http://orig02.deviantart.net/2760/f/2011/354/f/4/life_colossus_by_ahbeejieh-d3it5n9.jpg]The Master of the Hells of Time[/url], and rightfully should all fear that most frightful place. It was clear that this place on Galbar, once sanctified and most pure, would never be the same after witnessing the unadulterated presence of three gods in all its potency. [color=black][b]'I come...'[/b][/color] he repeated, his voice still echoing in the minds of the others, [color=black][b]'to ensure the peace and continuity of the timeline.'[/b][/color] Around him, strange green things floated, like enormous human brains, except they were all a glowing green and with roots extending into the air beneath them. They rose up around Vowzra and the crackling green energies rippled from one to another, from Vowzra to them. [color=black][b]'It is most unseemly,'[/b][/color] he said, [color=black][b]'that a mighty god such as you, oh Great Reptile, should come down upon the world and wreak havoc.'[/b][/color] Vowzra was stood between the two, but he faced neither. Instead, his right shoulder was towards Escre and his left towards Sauranath, so that he gazed far off into the distance as he spoke, with the one yellow hole in his head which must have been an eye. [color=black][b]'We gods are above such self-humiliation, we are far above being angered by mere mortals. We are far above bringing our incomprehensible power to bear in all its might and and destructive glory against creatures so weak and pitiful...it makes one wonder...'[/b][/color] and with this, he slowly turned his head towards Sauranath, [b][color=black]'if the Great Reptile is in fact a far Greater Coward who enjoys torturing beings of lesser power than it.'[/color][/b] Vowzra raised a tentacle and an orb rushed up them, within it was an Outsider. Within the orb, Invidia was protected from the presence of the gods. [color=black][b]'This creature which you have brought suffering has never hunted a dragon,'[/b][/color] another orb appeared beside the first, this time an armoured Zerabil was within it, 'nor has this one, whose home you so callously destroyed.' Where the charred Orabil stood, the burnt wood began to twist and turn and grow once more. Its roots rippled with life once more and its bark rose up into the heavens, taller than before and thicker still. Around it was an aura protecting it and keeping. And its light returned, purer and greater and grander than before, and its green eyes opened and it sighed a mighty sigh. [color=black][b]'Nor did that one which you burnt. Those who killed your dragons were a rare few, but those dragons who preyed upon Man, Uri, Cimex and Dyun were numerous and far-between. Your children were terror and taint upon the world, and hundreds of souls were sent to the Astral Home after their bodies were charred and impaled upon vicious claws.'[/b][/color] turning his head away and looking at the two tiny orbs before him, Vowzra spoke once more to the Great Reptile. [color=black][b]'So excuse us, should we not find you unworthy? We are Life and Time. Our duties are to those far higher than you or we. We keep the stars which you send unto the world so they do not stray from their Fated paths. We are the creators of this world you find so 'unworthy'. This world which you in ignorance claim seeks to massacre [i]your[/i] children - though they are not yours, they are [i]ours[/i], sustained by our Eye and Heart. If you they are pursued for sport, then they have found themselves prey amongst predators. Your interference in mortal affairs is something that [i]we[/i] are stark raving justified to remedy [i]at once[/i]. These 'puny mortals' proved themselves mighty indeed, and they [i]will[/i] get away with slaughtering their...'far betters'. Such was it Fated, so shall it be. Orabil, which you destroyed and I have given bloom once more, is not their Star Flower, it is my beating, breathing, living vicegerent upon the earth. It is the beacon of Life and monolith of Time; the Fount of Wisdom and bastion against the darkness.'[/b][/color] [color=black][b]'You are indeed revenge against the denial of our Star Children, but it is Fate that dares take them from your eyes. If you find issue with the Will of Fate, then we shall find great issue with your eyes. You shall tear and rend none asunder. This world will not belong to [i]you[/i]. The creatures of the dark world, who you think are feeble little creeping things of the underworld below the stars, have proven themselves with their sweat and toil. They have toppled the stars. What right have [i]you[/i] to deny those who work their due? The scales, ripped off the corpses, the hides and bones used for Man's needs are all the due of those who work. The conquered were conquered, and the victors were victors, such was it Fated, thus it was. We have seen it and we shall keep it as such. Now return to your sleep Great Reptile, I shall not judge you unworthy, for I see with an Eye unlike that of the Guardian's, and I am loath to make an enemy of you who would most surely serve Fate better as our ally.'[/b][/color] [hider=Might] 1 Might spent on creating new form: The Master of the Hells of Time 12 Might spent on rejuvenating Orabil 0 Might, 3 Free Points Remaining [/hider]