"And not a lick of cover out here if things go south." "Don't do yourself such a disfavor as to limit your mind to the mere physical, Armsman." Adrianne's voice would crackle through the breather of her helmet in reply to Stukov's concerned comment, the psyker apparently not anywhere near as worried nor concerned. "If the situation should indeed change, there are numerous ways out; especially in such a vivid city like this." Adrianne would explain as she looked at Stukov through her skeletal mask, before her visor turned to look out across the city's epic skyline beyond the borders of the landing platform. Indeed, a landing platform suspended high above the air with only one conventional way down could indeed look like a deathtrap to anyone un-initiated in the arts of the immaterium. But Adrianne was not worried. If they did indeed need to leave asap, it was something she felt confident she could more than easily facilitate. "And do not worry about the followers of Slaanesh. They are nothing like that of Khorne. They are too afraid to ever come at you in the open, unwilling to risk a frontal confrontation. They prefer to lurk in the shadows and come at you when you sleep. And counter-ambush is my specialty."