[color=7bcdc8]"Family is something worth protecting, I'd proudly and happily give my life if it would help keep them safe and free" [/color] Name: Cain Emerson Age: 29 Appearance:[img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140712024027/thehungergamesrp/images/0/07/Post-34874-1327056827-1-.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/40/8a/16/408a166906baa003b2e7b6000afb4033.jpg[/img] Gender:Male ex-Pack name: [s]Hallow Pack[/s] ex-Position: [s]Beta[/s] ex-territory(where the Pack originally lived): Orlando Florida Personality(before and after capture): He adored his cousin Tyra and eagerly awaited her visits to the house. Cain had a mischievous side to him and along with Tyra they used to play pranks on the pack, he never laughed as much with anyone as much as with her. However after his capture, Cain become cold, emotionless, so he didn't break like the other wolves around him. His eyes lost their bright shine and dulled over time, his only happy moment is when he can see his son and spend time with him, however short the time is. History: Cain has always been the quiet one, the one who preferred to be out in the woods instead of with the rest of his family. The day his parents left along with the rest of his family, his mother took him aside and told him that he would be headed to his cousin's house, he made it there within four hours by foot and instantly knew something was wrong. Lifting her unconcious form and taking her inside the home he knew immediately what happpened, Hunters helped had been here. When she awoke later that afternoon, both began to search for clues, Tyra having filled him in on where the rest of the family was and why she was outside, finding books in the Study about Alphas and learning the ups and downs distracted them from the truth for a bit. Months later he found Diana and instantly fell in love, nine months later, a newborn baby was found on their doorstep, Tyra being the one to find him. She scolded him softly but seriously as the cub slept in her arms, he shouldn't of been with a Human, he [i]knew[/i] that but...he'd thought she was his Mate. Allowing his Alpha to cuff him on the side of the head, Cain was happy when instantly she hamded his son over, instantly bonding with the cub. They'd been together for 6 years before during a hunt, Hunters managed to capture them. [center]☆☆☆☆☆[/center] [color=0072bc]"I don't know my mom but that's okay, 'cause I know my family and they promised they'd protect me. I'll be a good boy and wait until Auntie amd Uncle and the others come to get me and Daddy."[/color] Name: Marcus Emerson Age: 5 Appearance: [img]http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/ni%C3%B1o-peque%C3%B1o-feliz-con-los-ojos-marrones-4292243.jpg[/img] (eyes match Cain's color) [img]http://www.animalsofmontana.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Wolf-black-puppy.jpg[/img] Gender: Male Ex-pack name: [s]Hallow Pack[/s] Ex-position: [s]Pup[/s] Personality: Marcus loved to be around his family and read. He always had a smile and a contagious laugh that could have anyone joining in. He loved playing pranks and had an endless amount of energy. Now he no longer smiles, his eyes dull and movement lethargic, he didn't move from the corner of his cell, his laughter changes for soft snarls that would echo slightly. The only happy moments he has is when he can see his dad, he misses his aunt. History:N/A