Thasseldar watched as one of the heros died to save him; yet he was too weak to lift a finger in assistance. "Tellusvaxius... save them all..." he muttered, bringing up the name of an old religious figure from his homeworld. He used his remaining energies to call a final portal, one to a certain place that he had only seen once. A place of uncontested raw power that would be far too dangerous to invoke in any other circumstance... one that a junior Realmswalker could destroy an entire city with should it be done wrong. Through the portal came a very small flare from the sun of his homeworld; a blue giant, as the humans called it. Small it was, but nonetheless destructive. It sent a heatwave of twisting, half-visible searing energy down the road, aimed directly at the army in front of him, starting fires with its very presence and creating a nearly deafening noise. If he was lucky it would cause major casualties and give the others a chance to win; if he wasn't it would simply destroy buildings and cause little damage to any living thing. It was the last he had, as after he cast it he fell unconscious.