[center][h1]Noboru Yamamoto-Ferrero Mall-1:35 PM[/h1][/center] The blows to the back of his head came quickly, driving Noboru downwards, right into the oncoming knee. [I]crack.[/i] He could feel it inch across his face, the pain of a broken nose. He shoved off, and stepped back. From his nose, blood steadily dripped down his face, forming a stream onto the ground. He shoved back off of her and stepped back, clearing his head and taking a boxers stance. He yelled at the others trying to edge in. [Color=navy]Hey you fucks! This is my fucking fight so back the hell off!"[/color] He grabbed the purple haired lady by her shoulder, swinging her away from the other attempted participant. He ducked in, and his boxing instinct kicked in, swinging into her left, cheek, throwing his other fist into her right cheek, and then brought his other fist back again, for a one two one hit. His feet kept dancing, finally getting his footing and remembering his boxing skills. [center][h1]Akari Yamamoto-Ferrero Mall-1:35 PM[/h1][/center] Ohohoho. This was getting quite bloody. Akira addressed her again, interrupting her fun of watching what she wanted to watch most. [color=lightsalmon]"He's not just some monkey. He'd be able to put most opponents into the hospital for a while, what, with what such a muscle head he is. He'd most likely be able to put you down as well. I'm hoping pretty girl prince over there is just able to handle him well. At the least, she made his face less annoying. But we shall see, will we not?"[/color]