There were no warnings for that, no proper responses for when someone dumps a pile of bricks on you. He thought he might drown right there. Pregnant? How was that even possible? They were [i]usually[/i] so careful. She was on the pill and everything. But, a miracle happened, and then the Gods saw it fit to take away their precious gift. Maybe... maybe that was for the better? Jareth had no parental love growing up, he would have made a shit father. Shit father, shit boyfriend, shit person. But if he really felt that way, then why did her words of hurt him so, was it the empathetic pain of seeing her hurting? Or was it pain of losing a future that he didn't even realise he wanted? He wasn't sure if his knees gave out, or if the news had physically punched him back, but he was suddenly seated on the bed. He had no words, he simply sat and stared at the wall, as if trapped in some awful silent movie. Surely the director would step from behind the camera and clack his clapperboard now. [i]"Great scene, very moving, time for a lunch break!"[/i] he would say. But no, Jareth was a musician, not an actor, and for once... the poet was at a loss for words. Delilah collapsed into a sobbing mess beside him. She told him her story, pouring her heart out to him. But he didn't deserve her honesty, not when he was the biggest cause of all her pain. Jareth reached his arm around her, trying to comfort her in any way. It was probably the wrong thing to do, but he had to stop the sobbing. He had to fix the mess he made, he never thought he could fuck something up so royally. And then her final word pierced his heart like a splintered stake. [i]Worthless.[/i] That troublesome, devil of a feeling. Jareth had danced with that particular devil for many years. That internal nagging that pushed many to drugs, self harm... suicide... He hoped she didn't mean it, oh gods, please don't let her mean it. "No." it was the first word that he had managed to croak out the entire time. Jareth used his right hand to guide her face to look at him. With both hands, he softly held her face, making eye contact unavoidable. He wanted it that way, so the conviction would ring loud and clear when he said "[i]You[/i] are [b]not[/b] worthless." The rest of the sentiment finished in his head alone: [I]"I am. I was. I always will be."[/i]