[center][h1]Ferrero Mall[/h1][/center][center][h2]27.4.2015[/h2][/center] 'If you wanted a private fight, probably shouldn't have started one in the middle of the mall,' Masa shook his head in what could only be described as a mix of disappointment and disgust. Still, he'd turn away from the combat as he began forcing his way out of the crowd... But not before opening his phone and dialing in a few number. Placing the device to his ear as he exited the masses, he'd be able to take a few steps before someone answered. "Ferrero Mall Security office, how-" The operator chimed in- her voice cheerful and polite as if oblivious to the antics going on outside her office. Masahide cut her off mid sentence, "[color=8493ca]Are you unaware of a brawl going on? Or is it just nap time for the security staff?[/color]" "Excuse me?" The tone in the operator's voice could not have changed more dramatically, now taking on a abrasive and matter of fact tone. "[color=8493ca]You've got two kids beating on each other. Might want to send someone out before one of them kills the other.[/color]" Masa closed his phone abruptly after speaking, pocketing the device with one last glance behind him. Shrugging his shoulders, his focus would shift the mall before him. Having forgotten the reason he had even traveled to the mall in the first place, he was content just to roam. 'Maybe I should go see that movie everyone is talking about? I got that money from the shop owner left over...' Pausing a moment just outside the cinema, he couldn't help but chuckle, 'Man, I really haven't done this in awhile. Killing time isn't one of my strengths it seems,' shaking his head in slight amusement at the thought.