Are you still accepting applicants? I think I may have time to take in a second RP, and this one looks mighty fun! Here is my character, if you are still looking for members: [hider=Gerald Neil Calhoun] [b]Name: [/b] Gerald Neil Calhoun [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Appearance: [/b] Gerald is 5'9 with a slimmer-than-average build. He has a long face with his narrow brown eyes too close together, and all his facial features seem to be too low on his face, leaving a large forehead. His wavy dark chestnut hair is shaved into a short Mohawk, which at times gets him into trouble as people associate him with the Great Khans or the Fiends. His mouth is very wide and he has a rather large chin, giving him a gangly, almost comical appearance. Gerald has an orotund and sonorous voice. [b]Strength: [/b] 5 [b]Perception: [/b] 5 [b]Endurance: [/b] 3 [b]Charisma: [/b] 8 [b]Intelligence: [/b] 5 [b]Agility: [/b] 7 [b]Luck: [/b] 10 [b]Main Skills: [/b] Barter, Speech, Repair [b]Weapon: [/b] 9mm Pistol [b]Armour: [/b] Repairman jumpsuit [b]Items: [/b] Cram, Bubblegum, Fancy Lads Snack Cakes, Weapon Repair Kit, Beer [b]Pip-Boy: [/b] No [b]Character Special Items: [/b] A blurry pre-war photo, an Ace of Spades, a pack of cigarettes [b]Caps: [/b] 10 [/hider]