[centre]Vestec, God of Chaos Might: 9 Freepoint: 2 [/centre] The itching was back again. It started as Vestec left the ocean, drawn by the conflict that was brewing above Orabil. Something else was desiring to be released. By this time the God of Chaos was used to the itching, and simply increased his power as he moved towards the conflict. He watched, an ant among titans, as the gods argued amongst themselves. Then Astarte arrived, and Vestec laughed aloud at her actions. Then Sauranath backed down. [i]Well. That won't do.[/i] Still giggling, Vestec grew in size until he was as large as the other three gods around Orabil. "Oh, it appears we've come remarkably under dressed to this occasion, Astarte." Vestec turned his gaze to Invidia, and he giggled again. "I do hope you've met my children, chosen of Escre. They're certainly looking for you. And I believe they've found several of your kind, judging from the screams I've heard." He commented before turning his attention to the Dragon god, his erratically changing colors beginning to slowly edge into a steady red color. "I for one, am surprised Sauranath, despite me agreeing with Escre and Vowzra. Your children are murdered, hunted down like rabbits and butchered like cattle. When you come down to extract rightful vengeance upon their murderers, to let the world know that such cruelty [i]will not[/i] be tolerated, these two stop you. They have the gall to claim that your children are not yours anymore. That [i]they[/i] have taken your place. They tell you that it is perfectly fine for this to happen. They basically order you to stop your vengeance, that their butchers are in the right and you are in the wrong. They [i]mock[/i] you, Sauranath. They tell you to shut your muzzle, and serve Fate. And what do you do? You back down. The mighty God of Dragons, cowed by a few words." He walked over to Vowzra and Escre, heedless of what was beneath his feet. He put his arms around the two titans, in a far too friendly fashion. "You're a coward Sauranath. You fear that we will do to you what countless others have done to your children, and will continue to do so after you've returned to your slumber. Go, God of Cowards. Sleep and rest easy knowing that Escre, Vowzra, and I will continue to exterminate your children until all that there is to be remembered of them is their meat in our followers bellies, their claws on our followers weapons, and their scales on our followers armor. The God of Life has no emotions, so he won't feel any remorse for it. The God of Time will cower behind Fate, repeating 'It was destined by Fate, It was destined by Fate, I had no choice!'. Me? I'll be honest here, Cowardly One. I just enjoy it. Now leave, and go back to sleep. One of us will fix the tree, and we'll get back to business as usual, safe in the knowledge you have no courage to save your children." [hider=Summary]6 might used to level up to level five. 3 might left 2 freepoint left. [/hider]