Undasis patiently awaited Vestec to end his rant on the Dragon, before appearing in the form of a fine mist descending from a cloud. It was not the fair, kind Woman of the Waters who stepped forth from the mist, however, but her hideous cousin. He held a wicked grin stitched about his face, which held a [url=http://pre00.deviantart.net/9cf5/th/pre/i/2013/120/8/e/snake_man_by_scova-d63m103.jpg]new form.[/url] He was now a great, dark serpent, his eyes glowing red with hatred and his anorexic arms dragging his body like a fish out of water. [color=f26522]"For once, it seems me and the Chaotic One hold some semblance of an agreement. You, Sauranath, are the God of Dragons, but you have behaved like the God of Worms, bowing to the words of others simply because they speak not in emotion. Do you see what their pathetic creations, these "humans", have done to your beloved children? I would never allow the dragons, had they been my children, to have their skin and scales used as armour- it is henious and disgusting. Should you desire it, I will gladly aid you in a quest for vengance, such as you have the right to. Anyone who's creations have been slaughtered deserves to demand a blood payment, just as Vowzra and Escre demand that Cimex be killed because the Cimex once almost wiped out all humanity. If they have the right to demand blood of the Cimex for harming the humans, have you not the right to demand blood of the humans for harming the Dragons? Do not let them apply a double-standard to themselves, they are sinners just as well. Do you know, Escre is not as fair as he may seem? He once guided me to sink an island, simply because the people on the island learned to sail-which lies in my domain of Water, while he taught his own discples the magic of Cold- which lies in the domain of Svieand. I did sink the island, but not for the reasons he offered. Do not listen to the God of Life, he has allowed bias to cloud his once-clear judgement, and poison to tip his once-trusted words."[/color] Kraken gazed at the God of Life with a look of undisguised mistrust. [color=f26522]"I used to trust you, but you have become unbalanced, a puppet of Vowzra, dancing to his tune and singing to his deaf song."[/color] But he turned away in something that resembled a residue of the respect he once held for Escre, and slithered on a tail like a snake to the blood-shaded bubble that Zerabil still sat in, among all these gods. [color=f26522]"Greetings, [i]blessed of Undasis.[/i]"[/color] The Wicked grin once more regrew, and he turned his head slightly to the side. [color=f26522]"Is that not what you call yourself these days? How do you feel now, to see the other side of your fair lady? Impressive, no?"[/color] He laughed. [color=f26522]"Your God of Time is not a wholly evil or foolish one, my child, but do not go blindly into his guidance, as he has into Fate's. Trust no one, not even Vowzra or I, with all your soul. There are no gifts,"[/color] he echoed Undasis' words from the sacrifice of Sanctus, his voice now growing to a sinister whisper, [color=f26522]"gifts are a myth."[/color] He withdrew from Zerabil without breaking gaze, and sat watching the fools who argued for the Dragon God to enter another wasteful calm.