He laughed when Invidia shouted against the Chaotic One. [color=f26522]"Ha! This mortal is either very brave or very foolish, to cry out against the decree of a god!"[/color] But then he sensed something unusual, something different about this...human? No, this was a poor facade of a human being. Kraken sped ahead in a blur, reaching the strange creature like a bolt of lightning. He saw through it's feeble disguise with the eyes of a god. [color=f26522]"You are no human. I can hear your thoughts now, that I am close to you. An...outsider...interesting. I will be keeping an eye on you, Servant of Life."[/color] He winked. [color=f26522]"Don't worry, it is not a threat, it is only a curiosity, although I doubt you understand what that is. Your god never thought to gift you with such feelings, did he? If you are ever near the sea, don't be afraid to submerge yourself or drop a bit of blood in to stain the blue beauty, for I will be there. I know the idea of meeting me face to face must not sound pleasant now, but in a time of desperation, where you feel that all other gods have abandoned you- remember my offer, outsider. Remember. For I promise such a time will come."[/color] Kraken turned his gaze towards the Outsider's master. [color=f26522]"You can expect my company in that Home of yours. I do not hate you or despise your actions, but they have became skewed. No longer do you see with a desire for life, but a burning towards it. Perhaps you do not understand what I mean, but I hope that you will, dear Escre."[/color]