Luna was [i]NOT[/i] amused by being ditched by her friends. The last few days she had spent with some other players, perfecting her skills and trying to expand her social circle. Sure, she wasn't with them when the accident happened, but she thought herself one of them, so why hadn't she been invited to come by? Some friends, she was pretty pissed to say the least now that she'd stumbled upon them. Joining the gathering crowd at the table she interrupted the conversation at hand, sternly questioning everyone present before looking at the brunette boy curiously. "And just who are you? Did they exclude me but invite some stranger?" she asked testily, having half a mind to hit someone for this. Well she'd get her wish, sort of, albeit vicariously courtesy of Fitch. Waiting for a reply from the stranger she waited impatiently for a response, eyebrows arching in surprise when Fitch came rushing in, simply smashing the other boy in the jaw with his fist. Well that was unexpected, and somewhat hilarious. Just what in the world was going on here? Doku had gotten perhaps a bit too lax in the tavern, not even having seen Fitch come up to hit him. While players couldn't really kill one another in safe zones that didn't mean they didn't try, or at the very least try hurting one another. The instant he felt a fist connect with his jaw his eyes shifted, catching a brief glimpse of Fitch before he stumbled to the side, the blow nearly knocking him over. Catching himself on an abandoned chair he chuckled in amusement, reaching up and rubbing where he was struck before grinning. Cretin, eh? That's one he didn't hear too often, it was kind of lackluster really. Might this be Yari's true boyfriend, hm? Given his righteous rage one would assume so, which meant Suto was just a friend. Honestly, she was dating one of these idiots? Even drunk he hoped she was intelligent enough to realize there was a real man amongst them, or at the very least be wise enough to not bother with either of these weaklings. "Fitch! W-we were celebrating, that's all. I mean... Me and Nero were celebrating, and we were watching the music performance and chatting with people and then Yari showed up, and she had a drink in her hand! And I didn't think it was alcoholic at first but then she started acting all funny so I tried taking it from her and she wouldn't give it to me and I tried to give her food to help but food does nothing and then she got another drink and now I don't know..." Boy, that was a proverbial mouthful, and he'd said it all in one breath too. Letting out a sigh, Suto hung his head for a moment before glancing back at his friend, retracting slightly at the glare he was getting. He was doing his best to keep Yari safe and out of trouble, honest, it just wasn't easy. "She's drunk, but we're keeping her safe. It's this creep Doku that won't leave her alone," he explained, shooting the other boy an annoyed glance. Cringing when Yari shouted at Fitch he looked back to his friends, his heart sinking at her words. Things had just started to go well again too, now they were fighting... "You mean this seedy pervert is trying to weasel his way in on my friend?" Luna asked, frowning as she glanced over at Doku. She was drunk too, what kind of scumbag tried to get with a girl who was drunk? Sheesh, leave for a few days and things go to hell, this was just absurd. She would never be caught dead in a state Yari was in, refusing to partake in drinking herself lest she lose her self respect. She might not know the entire story here nor where this Doku guy came from, but all she had to know was he was a problem and he was upsetting her friends; in SAO she had managed to make quite a few friends, more than in the real world, and she was fiercely protective of them. Cracking her knuckles in preparation she narrowed her eyes at Doku, nodding her head towards the door of the tavern. "Come on, you and me, outside. If you want a girl so bad then I'll oblige you, I hope you don't mind getting your ass kicked though." Aha, now here was an interesting girl, so feisty and full of fire. Was she really this confrontational though, or was she trying to prove something? Doku looked at Luna for a silent moment before smiling, shaking his head and placing one hand on his hip. "I'll pass, I've nothing to gain from humiliating a woman," he retorted, waving a hand dismissively at Luna before he looked over at Fitch, "You, however... You I want to fight. I don't take being suckerpunched kindly, and it looks like you need to defend your turf, little man. Tell you what, let's you and I step outside and duel, hm? Win or lose I'll leave your girl alone, I just want to see if you can hold up in a real fight, got me?" Assuming Fitch took the bait, Doku went ahead and left the tavern, going out to the road beyond the doors and standing amongst the crowd. Word of his challenge must be spreading as they began to edge away from the entrance, murmurs of a fight breaking out quickly taking hold. "Come on then Fitch! Show your girlfriend what a man you are, defend her honor or whatever the hell it is you're doing! Fight me!"