Elizabeth had been so adamant on seeing this supposedly haunted house, but when she finally found herself there, she was less than impressed. There were cobwebs everywhere, and it all appeared to be in a dilapidated condition, but that was about it. Look beneath common, face fears, and one can see that cobwebs are not a sign of the lack of life, but of the flourishing of it. Even if the place was indeed t inactive, Elizabeth felt no fear. Perhaps the most interesting thing in the entire room was a painting, unblemish by the hands of time. She felt herself drawn to it, which Elizabeth felt to be a good omen. At the bottom of the painting was the title of the painting, Cadwell's Academy of Magical Talents and Draconic Arts. There were so many questions that flew into Elizabeth's head. Who ,for instance, was Cadwell? Elizabeth,however, was faced with a more pressing dilemma. Why was she falling through the painting? As she fell through the sky, her calmness surprised her. It wasn't as if she was expecting to survive, but rather, a neccessity made it so. Her fall was surprisingly graceful, if a bit rough. She had little time to collect herself, as a fairly large group was already on their way to somewhere else. Putting aside reason, which would dictate that she should be skeptical of unknown forces of which conspired in such a way as to result in herself falling from a painting, Elizabeth collected herself and hurried after the bunch.