As the flame leapt out Henrietta quickly tilted her body aside and let herself roll clear from the blast. This was nowhere near the first time something she'd been tinkering with had tried to kill her, but at least this time it didn't have venom dripping fangs. Although as she peered through the flames she caught a very definite glimpse of fangs bearing down on her. [color=c99900]"Eek! Beasties!"[/color] She hollered and panicking she slammed her hand down on her suit control panel, immediately launching her caltraps over the jet of flame to trap the deepstalkers, preventing them from escaping as the rest of her party closed in on the monsters. Another press of a button sent a long cable with a sharp hook on the end rocketing through the flames to bury itself in the leading beast's hide. Bracing herself carefully Henrietta pressed the recall button and the cable quickly began to retract, pulling the deepstalker towards the gout of green flame as its claws skittered over the worn flagstones beneath it. With a gleeful smile on her lips Henrietta watched as the beast was pulled into the veilfire, its skin popping and crackling as it fought against the hook line, but the weapon was too deeply buried in the creature's flesh to let it escape, and after a second it stopped moving altogether.