I would suspect that homosexuality is not quite a choice, though I doubt it's genetic. I would say a problem with how the argument works is that we start the argument with "is it immoral to be homosexual". It's never immoral to be, it's immoral to do. As others have said above, even if homosexuality isn't a choice, it's not like you're predetermined to act on your impulses. Therefore, that argument doesn't necessarily hold water. As for my opinions on homosexuality, I think it works like this: Men and women are yang and yin, meant to balance each other. In a heterosexual romantic relationship, one balances the other spiritually. In a homosexual relationship, you have two yangs or two yins, which makes both people more spiritually unbalanced. Thus, homosexual romance can be considered a sort of anti-romance. Likewise, there is no such thing as a "Same-Sex Marriage", whether a couple has a license or not. The state cannot make two plus two equal five, even if it demands that teachers grade those answers correct. Having said that, I also don't think you should have to ask the state's permission before seeking a marriage, so therefore, I am ok with Same-Sex "Marriage" being legal.