FOREIGN AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE GREATER EUROPEAN CONFEDERATION It is with great dismay that the nations of the Greater European Confederation condemn the actions taken by the nations of the Third Mexican Empire and the United South Asian Empire. In a world so recently ravaged by war, it pains the members of the GEC to observe the conflict arbitrarily initiated by the Third Mexican Empire. The Confederation regards the Third Mexican Empire as having no cassuss belli to justify the conflict other than claims of maltreatment of Christians within the territory of the Caliphate of Istanbul. We deplore the religious extremism that would drive the two aggressor nations to conduct this conflict and regard the war as unwarranted. Furthermore, the Confederation implores fellow nations to impose economic and political sanctions upon these two countries. Should further action be needed, the Greater European Confederation is willing to speak with fellow non-belligerent nations to discern a solution to the problem. We pledge aid to the Caliphate of Istanbul for refugees that may be displaced by the conflict.