وزیرت داخلہ بادشامت جنوبی آسیا THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE USAE With due respect, we would like to remind the GEC of the numerous, internationally recognized human rights violatuons and war crimes perpatrated and encouraged by the Istanbul Caliphate, and are shocked that a continent, once renowned for the advancement of human rights would ignore, and perhaps, approve of these violations of man's basics rights. In response to the call for sanctions, we aren't losing sleep over it. The GEC produces nothing that the USAE is in want of, in fact, we wonder how they will fare without the I.T. that was formerly provided to them by our great nation. We also formally dismiss the GEC's diplomat. We look to the future with the hope that one day the GEC and the USAE may resume their friendship. Sir Saeed Mustafa Minister of Foreign Affairs