FROM THE OFFICE OF SHAH ALAMGIR II OF THE UNITED SOUTH ASIAN EMPIRE I address the false caliph Mohammed Salah Ibn Al-Arabi. The "peace" that you speak so highly of, stands on a foundation of the bodies of the innocents you have slaughtered. Your nation, in its illegitimate rise to power, have killed millions of Shias, Yazidis, Christians, and Kurds. The ones that were blessed by Allah to be saved from your bloodlust were forced to either flee their rightful homes, or to be wrongfully enslaved. You claim to be the leader of Sunni muslims, as your hands are stained with the blood of innocent Kurds, the majority of whom ARE Sunni. How can you claim to be the champion of peace after wrongfully expelling 50 million people? Indeed, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression. He admonished you that you may take heed. (Al Quran 16:91) You have no legitimate claim to be the leader of the believers as you yourself have transgressed against Allah almighty himself. Our Nation, Praise be to Allah, has a muslim majority and is ruled by a pious Muslim. Our duty as Muslims is to defend innocent people, whatever may be their caste or creed. Fighting your reign of evil isn't a simple war, it's a religious duty. How dare you invoke the name of the people of Gaza, and spread amongst them false fear? This my message to the people of gaza, and indeed all people currently under the oppressive occupation by the "Caliphate of Istanbul": I am your servant. You have no need to fear our troops. We are your defenders and liberators, and prepared to shed the last drop of our blood for you. When we liberate Jerusalem, God willing we will open the city for people of all faiths to worship and reside there, as it should be. I demand that you immediately stop the oppression of my shia, christian, yazidi and Kurdish brothers I demand you renounce your fake title of Caliph. I demand you relinquish all control of the territories you currently occupy, and allow the people themselves to decide what their future should be. I demand the immediate release of all peoples who have been wrongfully enslaved by your cruel regime. Until then, I shall fight you till the last of my breath. SHAH ALAMGIR II