As Alex walked off and Alora watched, she heard Gippal sigh and said to Naisha,[b][i] "Any chance you think she would forget? I can't put Aunt Yuna's food on the line."[/i][/b] it was half serious by his tone. But Before Naisha could answer Gippal looked to Alora and said with a smile. [b][i]"Don't feel like you are imposing. I plan on staying near these two for a long while now. Plenty of time to catch up. "[/i][/b][i][b] "It's up to you, but the offer is open. I always enjoy making new friends."[/b][/i] He nodded his head to her and said, [i][b]"I'm Gippal, It's a pleasure to meet you Alora." [/b][/i] Alora couldn't help but smile when Gippal talked to her. It was clear that her inner little teenager was bubbling up. She had a major crush on him growing up. It's hard to let that go. It was only five years before. She nodded and said, [color=00a651]"It's nice to meet you as well.." [/color]She could muster before Naisha spoke up. [color=6ecff6][b] “Nice to meet you Alora and as Gippal here said, there is no need to feel like you are imposing. He may plan to stay with us for a long time, but I personally plan to not let him escape like the last time at all. Besides when we leave for the tournament I still will be accompanying all of you because I’m obliged as the manager of the Besaid Aurochs.”[/b][/color]Naisha stated and snapped her fingers, creating a small piece of ice that she put in her drink. She notice Urick take a few steps forward letting out a low grumble [i][b]"Hmph."[/b][/i] and started walking to the temple at which Gippal said, [b][i]"I know I know,"[/i][/b] At which Alora, even though it was just explained to her by Alex gave a weird look. How the heck did he know exactly what he wanted him to know? Gippal started to push Naisha again and said with a Chuckle. "We should probably follow before Alex decides to pick a fight with the priest." [color=6ecff6][b][i]“I don’t think we need to worry. Alex has been getting better at self control around the priests as of late and they also began to not get into open confrontation as much as before. A most they should be staring each other when we get to them.”[/i][/b][/color] she said with a chuckle. Alora followed with a smile watching the two. She found it interesting how they reacted, the the certain wording they used with each other. They seemed to act like a couple, course that tends to happen when you grow up with someone most of your life. But the fact they both said they are planning on staying together for a while. While it didn't come right out with it, the fact Naisha said, she wasn't letting him escape at all... She wouldn't have been surprised if there was a history between the two. Despite the fact she had a crush on Gippal, she watched the cute 'couple' walking into the temple, A famous strong and handsome Blitzer with a frail but beautiful girl, able to keep in him in line. That in her mind was too adorable. The thought ended as they walked in and immediately Naisha [b][i][color=00aeef]”It can’t be!”[/color][/i][/b] Nai exclaimed and turned towards the entrance to the hall of the trials. [b][i][color=00aeef]“We are heading down to the chambers of the Faith!” [/color][/i][/b] She stated and threw an angry look at the priest that was nearby.[color=6ecff6][b][i]”Didn’t you notice this before? When did it start?”[/i][/b][/color] The Priests called out, trying to say it was forbidden but it was too late. [color=red][color=ed1c24][i][b]"We better get going then, there are plenty of fiends running around in there."[/b][/i][/color][/color] Alex said in response to Naisha saying they needed to go to the chambers of the fayth, to also go after that mysterious woman. She was lost for a moment, due to the fact she didn't hear the humming at first. But now she did after she collected herself. It was very strange she didn't hear this yesterday... Could it really be the Fayth? Weren't they Sent twenty five years ago? Alex was already heading up the steps, before getting promptly wacked on top of the head by a iron staff by the High Priest. [i][b][color=red]"Ow! What the #%#% was that for you old geezer?!"[/color] [/b][/i] Glaring back the elderly man grunted. [i][b][color=aqua]"No one is allowed in the Cloister of Trails. It's tradition. Especially you."[/color] [/b][/i]he scolded, Alora caught the Especially you part, why though? Alex's eye twitched as she grinded her teeth together, her temper flaring before she snatched the staff from the high priest's hands and snapped it in two with her bare hands. Throwing the pieces to the floor she glared at him. [color=red][i][b]"Well someone went in there and you are apparently too dumb to realize to know what's going on so get out of the way!"[/b][/i][/color] Alex roared before quickly bolting through the door. Things were escalating pretty quickly. She should get her men to come help, but she couldn't allow the situation to blow up? What if the mysterious woman decided to deface the Fayth? What if something worse happen? As a member of the Youth League she was responsible with keeping the citizens of Spira safe, Just like the soldiers of New Yevon. In a split second she decided to go after Alex. With sudden agile speed she leaped up the stairs in three light steps and was through the door before anyone could say anything else. She came up behind Alex as the tall woman quickly unsheathed her sword from the back of her hips and slashed the blade against the beast, causing it to yelp and disappear in a burst of light filled orbs. Two more came out and tried to attack Alora, but with one fluid motion she unsheathed her sword and slashed both fiends heads off and sheathing her sword with out hesitation. The Pyreflies bursting everywhere as they 'died' She followed Alex till the found the rider from before. [[i][b]color=red]"Hey! What do you think your doing here? You better have a good reason for it."[/color][/b][/i] Alex said with a growl before holding her head. At which Alora asked her in a soft voice, [color=00a651]"Are you ok? You don't look well..."[/color] But before she would get an answer she would take a few steps forward and say in a authoritative voice[color=00a651] "Miss, I must ask you to leave here, this place is off limits to the public... if you don't comply we will have to resort to force. "[/color] She gripped her sword sheath just below the guard, and stepped sideways to prepare to fight. She did note the woman had a Katana as well. Hopefully it didn't come to fighting.