I'm from the south, Born in Alabama, raised in Texas, and I'm living in Idaho at the moment. It's a great place, beautiful country, the majority is rural and a lot of 'Country Boys' AKA 'Stupid Snuff chewing teenagers' fly the rebel flag off the back of their trucks. This is to signify their from a rural area, as much of the south and west are rural, rather than their southern, because....they aren't. And really this whole rebel flag thing is dumb. The shooter was some racist nut job that was holding a flag to represent the worst of the south. Me personally, I'm an American, though I love the south, I don't let it define me. I love every inch of my country and if I was gonna wave a flag at all, it would be this one. [hider=Best Flag on Earth][img]http://leftwingnation.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/usa-american-flag-1.jpg[/img][/hider]