[quote=@The Grey Dust] What should X do next. Also New God Poll: Which of these Gods should I roleplay as? 1) Atrophos (Synn) God of Hunger, The Swallowing Void, Empty One, Bringer of Nothing, Lord of Desires. A Neutral Evil God who brings about ruination into the world through the means of desires. He is the hunger which consumes everything, a force which attempts to return the world into nothingness once more as he consumes it all and once having nothing left to feast upon, will devour himself to bring an end to all creation. Where the God of Death Reaps souls into his domain, Atrophos devours them, extinguishing its existence to feed his eternal hunger. So to claim souls of his own from Death, he lures mortals into their own budding desires, carnal urges to taint them such that in Hell he can devour their blackened souls to the chorus of screams. He's actually quite a charming God however, quite the cosmopolite so I'd imagine a Hannibal Lecter feel regarding high-society living. 2) Oshingen (Wa) God of Order, The Emperor, The Ruler Amongst the Clouds, The King amongst the Kings of Kings. A Lawful evil God who was corrupted in the wars by Calcifer and became an evil god. Once a benevolent patron god of structured society, Oshingen is now a patron of tyrants and oppressors. He imposes rigid order by the sword, commanding legions to support his puppet mortal rulers, retainers who enforce his will to bring all under the heavens and above hell into his domain of order absolute. He would direct the chaotic society into a utopia to surpass the Heavens, but first it must be destroyed. First the rocks and foundations must be broken and the raw iron exposed. Then The ore thrown into the fires to be purged of its impurities, then tempered by the hammer, Finally quenched by water to harden to lock the blade forged into rigid order. Then sharpened against the stone to be aimed at the gods. This would be of course an eastern-inspired god... 3) The Trickster. God of Change. A Chaotic Neutral shape-shifter god who tricked X and assisted the Evil Gods in their rebellion. His Name and True Name is unknown. He exists to upset the balance and tip the scales. That being said, he did manage to escape the ordinance of the Creator through some means and play in the mortal world, slipping in and out of both Heaven and Hell as he pleases... [/quote] I think that 2 and 3 sound good, but I also need to point out that Hal is the only god of light right now. This will make it very hard to play since there are two gods of darkness, two neutral evil gods, but only one god of light...