[i]Strange...[/i] Rammus looked down at the treetop village, realizing that there are trails of multiple people nearby, all seemingly heading to his direction. He climbed down his treetop village, with his bow ready for his self-defense, its been a long time since such an amount of people are getting here, and he hopes it wouldn't be a bad thing... He scouted the area around him, to sneak up on them and find out on what was going on. Nearby, he noticed two people, seemingly at the verge of confrontation. His heart skipped a bit as he went around them, carefully avoiding their notice. Just then, he noticed an innocent-looking teenager with a face of the least hostility. He approached Irita and whispered [color=a2d39c]"Heyy... what's going on here... all this morning sooo noisy >_> ... Not sure if its just me or... did those two in front look like the Empire's dogs? >.< ..."[/color] He asked, his face letting loose a bit of his agitation, whilst trying to suppress his emotions. [@Zatoshi]