The Wolf waiting for a response from the Empire girl, smelled something, something new. He held up his hand, in a motion for the girl to cease all noise. All sound was silent. The wind was blowing and it was all that could be heard besides the leaves in the trees blowing and swaying. He turned his head slightly to the treeline to his right... Nothing. He swung his sword around and smashed it into the earth. Digging in almost a foot, and resting his arm atop the hilt. "We aren't alone I fear." [@magnato] He looked back at the girl, trying to whisper through his mask. "Confrontation isn't something I'm looking for right now. It is a possibility a fight will break out, if so happens. Run behind a rock, or a tree." Still unsure as to WHO or WHAT was watching him, he continued to search the trees, especially in this area. It was dangerous to travel in small groups due to bandits, this much he knew from experience. He was more than prepared, why would someone challenge such a huge sword weilding myth? "If things go south however-" he spoke "I'll break anyone who steps on this dirt path"