The surgery didn't take as long as suspected......thank goodness. Dr. Brenant was in one of his moods, and currently Sky taking the brunt of his snappy comments and orders. This was a regular occurrence; the doctor often became like this after a rough day of work. Sky had gotten used to it and made sure to read lightly around her employer. After the surgery was over and the tumor was removed from their patient's side, it was by then lunch break. Removing her scrubs, Sky walked out into the waiting room. There was only one person with her it was a slow day. Shaking her head she turned to the receptionist, "I'm headed to the cafe for a coffee and snack;you want anything?" The older woman looked up, then smiled and shook her head. She was currently on the phone with a rather concerned citizen with a sick herd of out of town call. Sky nodded, then going outside she jumped into her truck and drove to the town's nearby cafe. She fixed her braid, then stepped out onto the pavement. Going inside she went to the counter, and ordered a quick coffee along with a sandwich......and a donut. While waiting on her order, she leaned against the counter and gazed around the room. When her eyes rested on a nearby table she blinked. Were those two of the girls from the camp site this morning?