[center] [@Shifter_Master]'s Active Characters [hider=Kyle Anderson] [color=DarkSlateGray][h1]“How do you not stare in to the Abyss when it’s all you can see when you close your eyes?”[/h1][/color] [color=DarkSlateGray][u][b].:Real Name:.[/b][/u][/color] Kyle Anderson [color=DarkSlateGray][u][b].:Superhero Alias:. [/b][/u][/color] Nothing yet [color=DarkSlateGray][u][b].:Gender:.[/b][/u][/color] Male [color=DarkSlateGray][u][b].:Age:. [/b][/u][/color] 17 [color=DarkSlateGray][u][b].:Appearance:.[/b][/u][/color] [url=http://i533.photobucket.com/albums/ee331/darktimeline/Russel.png]On his better days. [/url] [URL=http://i533.photobucket.com/albums/ee331/darktimeline/Horror_de_Otro_Mundo_zpscvcopcp7.jpg]On his less better days[/URL] [hider=Existence][center][h2][color=DarkSlateGray][u][i].:Power Set:.[/i][/u][/color][/h2][/center] [color=DarkSlateGray][b][u].:Eldritch Existence:.[/u][/b][/color] Kyle is slowly turning in to something Alien, something outside the constraints of Physical laws and needs, something outside normal reality. What he is turning in to holds vast, powerful potential, but Kyle is frightened to learn what he can do, because every new thing he learns strips away another small piece of what humanity he has left and stains his sanity just that much more. [color=DarkSlateGray][u][b].:Eldritch Physiology:.[/b][/u][/color] Since the awaking of his powers Kyle’s basic physiology has been altered, and while he is still figuring out all that he can now do, there are a few things he has noticed. -He now only needs about 3 hours of sleep every other night. - He heals at an accelerated rate, healing bones in days, minor bruises and cuts in hours, he even can regrow lost limbs though this take a rather long time. In addition his body has become more resistant to damage and the elements. -His dietary needs have become an utter mystery as he has found that nearly nothing satisfies him, his appetite has also increased dramatically, yet hasn’t really figured out a way to satiated it. He can eat and digest nearly anything at the moment, but hasn’t found anything that fulfills his hunger. -none of his organs, save for his brain, seem to be required for sustaining his life. [color=DarkSlateGray][u][b].:Eldritch Mind:.[/b][/u][/color] Kyle’s mind no longer functions as a normal humans mind does, it sees things according to a set of alien realities. This is both a boon and curse however. His alien mind is structured differently than normal people so mental assaults are doomed to fail unless the attacker is aware of how Kyle’s mind is set up, but Kyle but is slowly losing what it means to be human. To Compound matters, Kyle is no longer the only thing inhabiting his mind, the second presence is benign but is also a true Eldritch entity, currently it is content to watch Kyle grown and whispers hints to Kyle in the deep recesses of his unconscious. [color=DarkSlateGray][u][b].:Eldritch Corruption:.[/b][/u][/color] The most potent ability that Kyle has is one he is not even actively aware of, He has the ability to inflict his Eldritch taint on to the world and then manipulate anything so tainted as if it was his own body. It is a slow process, one that requires constant contact with Kyle over the course of weeks for the Corruption to fully take hold, for everything fights against its influence. With knowledge of this capability he would be able to speed up the process but it will still take time. Upon something being corrupted it is turned in to the same organic compound that currently makes up Kyle’s entire body, from there it can be molded the same ways that his body can. He can even permanently add this new mass to his person, for otherwise it will rot away within a day. Even when he learns of this power he will have to be wary of its limitations, He is incapable of effecting other living being, regardless of their origin.There is also a limit of how much he can control before either his abilities run rampant outside of his influence or his brain cracks. Corrupted matter rampaging outside of his control rots within an hour. Currently only his own clothes have been such affected, but no one has noticed yet. [color=DarkSlateGray][u][b].:Eldritch Body:.[/b][/u][/color] The most obvious ability Kyle has learned is that his body is very malleable, it can bend and twist and change at his whim growing new limbs or removing vital organs, changing density or elasticity. He is a giant ball of organic clay that theoretically he can do anything with, but due to his limited knowledge and understanding he tends to just listen to his “instincts”, leaving him to be rather basic, albeit alien, often with tentacles, excessive amounts of eyes, large amounts spines and quite a few extra mouths, in his morphablity. The full extent of this ability has not been discovered due to a simple fear he has regarding his the loss of his sense of self, as he feels both more and less himself with each change. Thus he rarely transforms his whole body, normally only one of his arms, or both of his legs if required, and even then he is hesitant. Additionally while transformed, even partially, his physical attributes are enhanced to top human potential, but only for the parts of him that are no long transformed. It should also be noted that none of the transformations are permanent, and will reverse upon unconsciousness if not changed back by Kyle beforehand. Another application of his changeable nature of is the modifying of his blood. To date he has only learned two applications of this. One allows him to temporary impart his increased healing aspect to another person. Allowing them to swiftly heal from wounds, it is a delicate process however and not one he can perform in combat as it takes a lot of concentration to modify his blood in such a way. He can also mold his blood in to a highly acidic substance that affects most every organic thing, though he is immune to this acid blood. It is easier to turn his blood to acid as well opening it up for use in combat. [/hider] [color=DarkSlateGray][u][b].:Other Skills:.[/b][/u][/color] - Kyle is and always has been a talented Artist, focusing mainly on Sculpting. - Kyle always had a good memory, since his powers woke it has only gotten sharper, though there are some of his earlier memories that have been lost or twisted due to his powers. - Due to how his mind now processes information Kyle has found that he can quickly gain a fair understanding of all languages just by listening to people talk in them for a bit. - An innate grasp of Biology, recently developed [color=DarkSlateGray][u][b].:Weaknesses:.[/b][/u][/color] - First and foremost, Kyle is scared of getting more skilled with his powers. - Standard maths and sciences. While weak at the moment his "instinctive" understanding of eldritch truths makes understanding the laws of physics difficult. - Animals. Kyle’s presence tends to trigger animals fight or flight instincts immediately. - Cold iron. A rare, magical, variant of Iron useful in destabilizing arcane energy. Kyle has, what is best described as, a severe acute allergic reaction to this material. - Kyle suffers from a fair amount of dissonance due to his powers. His body and mind seem alien to each other most of the time, only when he is in full swing of his powers does he feel normal, but that fact scares him as well. - Kyle has only had active awareness his powers for a few months so he is very inexperienced with them. - Kyle is sorely lacking combat experience. [color=DarkSlateGray][u][b].:Personality:.[/b][/u][/color] Kyle is a socialite, easily capable of moving from group to group, and was the most popular kid in his school back when he was attending normal school systems. He tries to be a good person, friendly, open, and polite, but he was part of the popular cliques so is more than capable of being heartless intentionally or otherwise. He doesn’t seem to get angry or even upset, neither does he get downtrodden or depressed, an almost constant smile on his face (sometime two or three if he’s not paying attention) though his taste for humor has certainly darkened. He sympathizes well with others that are either afraid or un-wanting of their powers. He appears optimistic always trying again never letting his failures get him down the thing is he knows that there is something wrong with him, he just has no idea what the hell is going on with him. He is hiding behind a cocky grin and an air of open nonchalance, hiding all the cracks and faults he can desperately trying to keep himself from falling to pieces as his sanity twist slowly out of his grasp. But he won’t go down silently, he will fight till the bitter end, and maybe he will figure out something that he can leave behind in case someone else ends up needing a hand with his same problem. [color=DarkSlateGray][u][b].:Backstory:.[/b][/u][/color] Once he was an average student, living the popular life in high school, coming from an upper middle class family he had money, looks and charisma to be living every students dream. He was also talented in the arts skilled at sketching; painting, sculpting, even dabbled in acting for a time. His parents, well he knew that one was a scientist of some sort, his father if he remembers right. His mother, he wasn’t sure if she had a job. He and his parents never really got along; they would always compare him to his older brother, a person that Kyle has never met, always away on vacations or work leaving him by himself more often than not. What he never learned was how a scientist could make enough to live in relative luxury, and take two or three vacations a year, yet not be front page news. The reason? His parents weren’t as morally upstanding as they appeared. They were both moderately successful villains, both steeped in dark arcane ways, with just a touch of mad science. The last day of being normal started like any other. The same morning routine before he headed off to school, but instead of taking the tests that the day had, rather than chatting with his peers, the worlds of so many students came within a hair’s breadth of crashing down around them, for this day another student had finally had enough with being bullied. Who the student was Kyle doesn’t know they were on opposite ends of the totem pole, but this lonely hurt and pained student had finally had enough with how his life a school was and decided to change things forever with backpack full of ammo and a 9mm pistol. The student never got far along with his plans however as he only got off two shots before Kyle tried to tackle him and wrestle the gun away from him. After this point Kyle only remembers a few things with any clarity, one was that he had been shot at some point, and the second was a mind numbing terror that had spread through him. When he had next woken up he was being held in the hospital with an armed guard, but nothing seemed to fit right in his head, he panicked, screaming for help, as his arm grew in the a bladed tendril of flesh and blinked at him, or was it smiling? It didn’t take long for Herculean academy to learn about Kyle, it took even less time for Kyle to agree to go to the school, he was scared by what was happening to him, and they were telling him they could help. They also wanted to keep an eye on Kyle; he was much older than most are when they first show qualities of their powers, and his were more alien then most are comfortable with. [color=DarkSlateGray][u][b].:Other:.[/b][/u][/color] -He doesn't actually need the glasses he wares, he wares them because he thinks they look good on him. -He is 6'1" -His tattoos are in fact due to his ability to change his body, and he often will change them at a whim. It's the only part of his new found abilities that he enjoys. [/hider] [/center]